Cici Whales

I am dying here. Brava, Lindy.

I'm not sure; she hasn't told me what she did. It's definitely frikkin terrible.

I would like it so much better without the Jay-Z interlude.

Dude, is that why the Rat King from the Nutcracker had to many heads?

My poor coworker's baby caught whooping cough at 7 weeks (the vaccinate at 8 weeks) from some asshole parent's child that wasn't vaccinated. Now she's almost a year old, still needs breathing treatments, and probably faces a lifetime of asthma.

It's really the best thing ever.

Macy's and/or Nordstrom might carry them.

I have the Freya one that I love. I have another brand but I can't remember what it is off hand. The Freya one is more hard core though.

Yeah, be glad. Your boobs won't get all saggy either.

Dude, my sports bras are 80 bucks a pop but my H cups don't move when I run. Worth every penny.

Where are you guys based? I know there are a few sound engineering schools out there. You might be able to find someone from one that wants some experience on their resume (I only personally am familiar with one in Baltimore but I'm sure there's one closer to you). I mean, your voices are fantastic and I love the

Psht. I said it with their last video.

I still think they need a new sound engineer.

It would. It totally would.

OH MY GOD. I live right outside of DC. I fully intend on getting as many friends as I can together this summer to go freak out the tourists with some dance walking. Thank you so much for this.

Were they movies you'd already seen? I feel like I would be too likely to actually try to watch the movie and crash into something.

I'm checking this day off as a win because I made someone snort.