Cici Whales

I'm picturing this:

I have no shame about strutting publicly to music. If anyone looks at me funny, I just swing my hips at them. Possibly a head toss. Or a z-snap.

I've never been able to read while exercising but I totally listen to audio books.

Thanks for sharing you self-important snob!

I kind of feel like I have to get this video and try this. If I do, I will report back.

I watched it at a big party geeking out the entire time. I'm certain I was the only one actually cheering. Good GOD she is such a performer!

Junk food in any way I can get it. I just try not to indulge. I usually fail.

I only put on clothes at home if someone is coming over. Otherwise, it's free-boobs time.

My husband sleeps on the left as does my dad.

I would totally wear those gold leggings for roller derby.

Seriously. OMG WHY.


The tidbit that finally got me to stop: smoking causes saggy tits.

Be glad you didn't get the beet juice. That shit is foul.

My reading comprehension got all screwy for a minute there and I thought you were saying that pooing makes you get an erection.

Or how about the fact that the trays are sometimes stacked with the paper already inside thereby touching the under side of another tray? Ew.

Is it just me or does the chick in the passport image kind of look like Billie Piper?

I laughed for about 10 minutes at that picture of Felicia Day.

I kind of wish my husband had this. He just got drunk, threw a box at me, and said "so long as everyone's here, wanna get married?"

Bacon flavored salad topping: