Cici Whales

At the beginning of the audio version I just finished listening to, he actually explains in a foreward that it was supposed to be gray/silver.

Holy crap, my cat bit the hell out of my hand last year while I was rescuing her trapped paw from something that it had become stuck in (she was freaked out and I'm pretty sure not aware of what was going on. She's normally submissive to the point of ridiculousness). It got red and swollen but not nearly this bad!

I was just coming to post that.

I wish that they would have grammar tested some of the people I work with currently. We do a lot of communication via email here and, in some cases, it's impossible to communicate with some of my coworkers in this fashion because their grammar and punctuation is so terrible. While a simple misplaced comma might not

Ah, I missed the part about them eating a lot of nuts.

No oils? How to people on ETL get enough fat in their diet?

I had issues of tigerbeat with Zachary Ty Bryan. He might not have been THE heart throb, but he was one.

Well the thing with this situation that it isn't "the mom or the baby," it's "the mom or they both die."

From the description of the Simpson's episode, I'm not seeing how the plots were connected other than "woman on steroids." What else happened in that Simpson's episode that was so similar?

I just shuddered so hard that I got a back spasm.

But I'm missing the part where anyone in these pictures is treating anyone as an inferior? (Besides the dude in the tasteless shirt).

Don't forget "Action Transvestite."

Last I heard it was ok. I mean, Eddie Izard certainly uses it without blushing.

I'll anxiously await the article!

"drop the Westboro Baptist Church off at the pool," HAHAHAHAHA. Win.

Oh in that case then. Rabble rabble indeed!

They might. Do you know for sure?

Or were you just purposely being hyperbolic and now I'm supposed to laugh at people on the internet for taking boring pictures with expensive things?

Sure, call them awful. Obnoxious. Whatever. "The Worst People to Ever Use Instagram"? Sensationalist much?

I think you all are expecting really young people to by way more socially conscious than typical for their age. And for all we know, some of these people might donate their time and money when they're not kicking back in a helicopter with a bud light.