Cici Whales

I hate him about as much as any idiot pop culture icon on the internet. He's a douche but not worth wasting my hate on.

Obnoxious, I'll give you. Bad taste? Sure. But I, for one, will not be clutching my pearls and calling these people "the worst people to ever use instagram" because of any of the pictures posted above or on that website.

So because their parents earned the money, they should never post pictures on the internet ever looking like they are enjoying it? I would be more outraged if most of these pictures were of these people spraying homeless people with champagne and lighting piles of money on fire in front of a group of orphans. Most

No such thing as too much when involving Neil Gaiman.

I'll third that sentiment!

I cancelled mine after I received a nearly empty tube of BB Cream and I got a similar response of "yeah, it's supposed to be like that." Either the worst sample ever or Birchbox is overpriced garbage.

I can't decide if I'm excited for this or fearful that they're getting ready to destroy a part of my childhood (I've read all the Oz books. My grandmother gave them to me).

How fantastic is that word? kleptoparasitism. New favorite.

It looks like they spent a decent amount of money on the video but it sounds like they spent next to nothing on getting getting the levels right in the track. Am I the only person this annoys?

Thanks for the tip!

I'm totally going to steal this for gifting to our honeymoon.

In the article: "(and I refuse to get worked up about reports of possible cancer links because everything gives you cancer. I'll stop when they give me a definitive ruling on the matter)."

Of all the awful things about her and her situation, it's her weird lips that freak me out the most.

Thank you. I'm glad the sugar-free sugar-sauce irony wasn't lost on everyone.

I'm sorry extremely-literal-man (or woman). What I probably should have used something closer to the phrase "lab synthesized imitation sugar product." I was more amused with the fact that this supposed "healthiest meal ever" included this imitation food over something like pureed fruit or just left off the sweetener

wtf? Sugar free caramel sauce? What the hell is that even made out of and how in the world could that be considered healthy? Caramel is made from sugar so what chemical cocktail would they put together to make it sugar free? Blech.

Actually, it's $10 more than you pay. $40 for your smart phone plus $50 for data.

They actually have a $40 Garmin app you can buy already. Either way, the google maps for iphone sucks and TomToms generally suck. I don't see an improvement in iphone navigation either way.

Though armored cars take a bit more know-how since they can pretty much just close the door and drive off to keep you from robbing them.

I was wondering the same thing. Did someone's finger get extra excited over the 0?