St. Borg de Chupacabras ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ

Carrying a balance doesn’t by default hurt your credit rating. It depends on your utilization. If the debt to credit ratio is off, then yes you’re screwed. I remember someone at Equifax telling me using a credit line more than 20% of the total limit is when they start deducting points.

It almost sounds like they sent out a Royal Edict, from the King Of The Neighborhood to his peasants, loyal and otherwise:

I’m having a party
and you’re not invited
it’s going to be noisy
don’t like it? **** you

: )

I tell my neighbor every now and then, “nice tits”. I don’t think he likes it very much.

whenever i try to make a joke about overly loud masturbation, you appear and shut me down - you are my nemesis, torchbearer2.

not single, alone.

it sounds like you both are really good at it, but could you stop fucking so loud?

Hey! I’ve got some more super-round catball pics for ya! Hope you’re well :-) Let me know if there’s somewhere for me to send em, or I’ll just post em on Kinja!

I tried this on multiple sites, and they always tell me they don’t have anything to compare me with. They just suck in your data, chuck you the finger, and tell you to sod off.

That hurts Andy. I wasn’t even going to, but now ... now that I know ... it cuts deep.

I hope this is one cup of freshly squeezed lemon juice! Otherwise, it doesn’t count.

A lot of elderly people have found that a glass of water (some drink it hot) triggers peristalsis and gets the bowels moving. The additional water is helpful for them what’s constipated. Perhaps he learned that in Mr. Colantoni’s 9th grade general science class in 1957. Perhaps elsewhere.

I am embarrassed to admit this, but I was once an anti-choice Republican who thought that people were poor because they just didn’t want to work. I also went door-to-door campaigning for a congressman who eventually got in trouble for punching a woman or grabbing her by the throat, or something like that (can’t

p.s. don’t add me on linkedin

A 15 minute drive? And he wouldn’t do it? For his pregnant wife? Jesus.


I want to blast this to my whole office. I wish I could print this out and stick it over the machine.

> That is, it starts very strong but gradually becomes weak.

Fuck y’all. I’m getting some of that good stuff that comes out early. The rest of you can enjoy the bitter piss water that comes out last.

I do it because the stuff at the beginning of extraction tastes better - its part of the reason espresso is brewed fast. Obviously, it is stronger. When I do this (steal the fresh stuff), I take only half a cup and dilute it with hot water - like an Americano. It’s good to see my taste confirmed, because it looks like