
“But he seemed like such a nice guy.”<—also what people say when they learn that a serial killer has been living next door for decades

Remember the BTK killer? Pillar of the community, Cub Scout leader, president of his Lutheran church council—and behind closed doors, a guy who enjoyed stalking, torturing and murdering

Exactly: given what a tight grip he kept on his music (understandably so), it surprises me that he would leave the whole disposition of his estate (not just the money, but his music rights) to the courts. It’s possible that he had some reason—perhaps a religious one?—to avoid making a will, or that he did make one and

Far more than any of the rumors about the causes of Prince’s death, I’m troubled by something we now know to be true: he didn’t leave a will. Even a simple handwritten will would have been better than nothing, and saved a ton of legal headaches and expenses. He must have had at least one lawyer, just to keep up with

Now playing

Not sure where you get the idea that living and working outside one’s home country is a privilege of the rich and lucky. Me, and the others I know here, came either as a trailing spouse of a native, or as economic migrants. Neither of those are privileged positions—far from it.

Are you perhaps thinking of American

No—my job. I’m in a field in which jobs are scarce. I’ve been trying continuously for the past 5 years to get a job back in the States and though I’ve had two close calls, none resulted in a job. I would probably have been okay had the 2008 financial crisis not happened, but it hit my field particularly hard, and all

Will do. Also: your comments above are spot f-ing on regarding total lack of awareness of institutionalized racism, and the bizarre insistence by some on this site that anyone who immigrates to Europe should simultaneously be gainfully employed on a full-time basis AND have the time to learn a new language from

Dude, we should commiserate! I’m also stranded in Denmark, and know *exactly* what you’re talking about re: the horrifying xenophobia. I have no idea how to PM anyone on this site—do you?

ADDENDUM: Sorry, I was wrong, and Kinja won’t let me correct my incorrect reply to you. Hence, a second post.

Sorry, that 6-month figure is incorrect. I’m surprised you’re insisting on this point, since it is so easy to check. Here is the link to the US Department of State flyer confirming that B1 and B2 visa holders are limited to stays of up to 90 days at a time.

Correction: tourist visas usually allow stays up to 90 days. You’re right on the rest, and a tourist visa would solve Daniel’s problem.

He could apply for a tourist visa, or re-apply for the visa that was revoked, or just appeal the revocation of the original visa he had.
Moming doesn’t know what s/he is talking about. For whatever reason, lots of people seem to shoot their mouths off online regarding US visa procedures without knowing a thing about

No. This is not how the process works at all. You’re missing three key facts. First, Daniel had the right to appeal the revocation of his visa: he chose not to do so. Second, he had the right to re-apply for the same kind of visa; he chose not to do so (this is stated clearly in the article). Third, he could have

Totally agree with you, and I’m not even Catholic—or religiously affiliated in any way. Institutional change is slow, by definition. Seems to me that Francis is turning that ship as fast as he can, and really—given the short time he’s been Pope—he’s moving quickly. I suspect he’s making enemies in the process within

That is pure brilliance.

“She was going to be killed by this guy some day, somehow. She didn’t have to die that night.”

Oof. That’s one of the few things I’ve ever read in the Jezebel comment section that genuinely hit me like a karate kick to the chest. Thanks for the harsh truth. (limps away, wheezing)

In the immortal words of the great skunk detective: "Cherchez la femme."

(Note the resemblance between Zayn and Monsieur le Pew. Coincidence? You decide.)

Very impressed by the attention to detail that went into the creation of the costume in the top photo. Is that you, Klaus?

Excellent point.

I am so enjoying wallowing in the details of this photo. The gorgeous eyebrows. The perplexing rope-garments that Naomi and Rihanna are wearing—as if they raided a hardware store for wardrobe ideas, and came out looking fabulous. The hoop earrings shaped like bamboo. So much incredible bone structure and grace in one