They also interview the hapless young director of the episode who seemed to almost be smiling behind tears that she had to direct this one.
Summer making a joke about Nancy Reagan was screaming REALLY loud “This is written by a 50-year-old man”.
You *especially* should be using condoms when it's butt stuff.
haha the “i have a substance abuse problem” was a particularly good line read
I will agree that many times this has been done were lazy and pointless. And I actually do agree that in this episode, it did not work very well at all.
“I give it my lowest rating ever... 7 thumbs up.”
- From a plot standpoint, this wasn’t a strong episode. Even the animation felt a bit off. Why would “Sticky” be the only sperm to recognize Morty and decide not to harm him? Why does “Sticky” have a single eye and two tails? Why does the Sperm Queen have two eyes and the ability to speak? Why do none of the other…
“This is objectively the worst piece of media in human history. B minus.”
Thereabouts. They’re all supposed to be in their mid-twenties at the beginning of the show.
You can have as many cheeseburgers as you want, Robert Downey Jr.
Then there was what felt like a whole season where he had serious anger management issues. I think it started off with him flipping out because his boss ate his sandwich and he was placed on leave, then they just kept it going for several more episodes, blowing up at everybody and for some reason it was supposed to be…
The minute someone you are in a relationship with wants to track your phone to know where you are, run as fast as you can.
The only mistake he made in that film was insisting that the “Can You Read My Mind” song had to be sung by Margo Kidder. John Williams had already recorded a version with Maureen McGovern. Three days of agonizing failed recording sessions with Kidder (who couldn’t sing) and Donner finally told them to have her recite…
Swapping the “Earth” Planeteer’s power to “Dirt” cracked me up. This episode was perfectly fine.
I think that the Futurama comparison works as due to the natures of the show, Futurama wasn’t nearly as afraid to be earnest and vulnerable compared to R&M’s dependence on cynicism, sarcasm and a faux-nihilistic philosophy.
Bojack Horseman manages to walk this line blindfolded; It knows celebrity life and the…
what confused me was how she just said some variant of “hello” for most of the episode. I expected that to lead to something like the alien who snickered at rick’s quips in the Rick-counters episode, who wasn’t actually snickering, but just making a sound. Then nope, no payoff, or even acknowledgement of why she only…
Their equivalent of Ma-Ti was Mor-Ty.
Morty had a son with a sex robot and raised him to adulthood. So he’s definitely experienced in the relationship area (for a 14-year-old).
Yeah I’m with you, man, this was something of a dud. Chuckled at some bits, but nothing made me cackle like a dipshit like last week or the Mr. Nimbus stuff a week prior. The Cap. Planet stuff felt like it was missing an edge or even a different angle on the material—like, no duh her “kids” just pimp her out to anyone…