
What great answers. It’s too bad he’s not (really) an actor, because I’d love to see a Random Roles with him.

I had no idea they were married and my first thought went something like “isn’t Craig at least 10+ years older than her?”. Turns out she’s 51... holy shit. 

Ridiculously, the Sandwich is in every bit of management training I’ve ever received.  It’s so confusing!  Why can’t you just tell someone, “hey, look, you are fucking up in this very specific way.  A way you can fuck up less is to do This instead.”  People are grown ups.

The Favourite was amazing I hope she got paid well for Black Widow. Not going to watch that clip but all Marvel spoilers seem to boil down to some comic book character shows up or that character you thought was dead/alive/good/evil is the opposite of that.

First time on the AV Club?

100% it was a planned bit. There’s no way it wasn’t flagged by a sound guy ten seconds into rehearsals.

That struck me as a planned bit.

The only cameo I cared about was Janice and she did not let me down. We got the laugh.

No, it’s MS Chanandler Bong.

YOU’RE chemicals.

1 - Dude, the opportunity to tell your date about your stroke is going to present itself way before you hop in the sack - unless you have no stamina for building a connection first either. “Let’s take a long walk!” “It’ll have to be short since I have less stamina after my stroke.” Communicate.

It doesn’t hurt to ask but if your ‘lizard brain’ is telling you something about sex then it’s almost definitely doing it so you can get your rocks off and nothing else.

I mistakenly assumed that the Reunion show was going to feature 6 friends getting back together in the fictional world that made them famous”

Folks who rant on about ‘chemicals’ in this manner should be encouraged to cut dihydrogen monoxide out of their diet. 

LeBlanc was the MVP. He seemed the most at ease of everyone there.’s concern-trolling and virtue-signalling wrapped-up in a nice, shiny package. I tend to slur my speech even when I’m sober, and with my history of drinking, it leads to a lot of, “Are you OK?” or “How you feeling?” with a grim nod.

Veneer Lisp is opening for Mannequin Pussy in my town a few weeks from now.

This is extremely shitty of you and I encourage you to delete these comments.

I’m a Los Angeles AA member. And that’s all I can say. 

Now playing

Also, thanks for the “Jesus - wait - what?” comment, which were my thoughts exactly.