Chuck Schwa

That wax ring- gotta take yer time, eh guv’nor? wink-wink, nudge-nudge, eh? say no more

That was just one minute of a 15? minute chopper ride, and there were easily 100 revolutions


I’m sure a cabinet position, book deal, pundit gig, or speaking tour would be fine, too- half of them must be there for those reasons. I mean, I’m sure they live to serve too, but...

Flight Attendant: And something to drink sir?

Those guys are real conquistadors, if you know whmsane

What ever happened to meeting for coffee! At the library!

4/10 rape joke trial balloon. You made the right call

I’d rather be hit by a bus. 

Don’t take selfies and drive, kids


If you have a Cash and Carry or Smart and Final near by, might could find it there

See also: flavor adjacent

“I believe they refer to themselves as Michigoons.” -Ohio

Where can I get some Bozeman Tittycats schwag?

Your rage fills me with such joy- the Germans must a have a word for this. 

Let’s all just keep an eye on that Riley Roberts character, though; if he starts bringing her down...[drags finger across throat]

I think it’s time to hit back with dirty tricks, fuck the high road let’s buy some Russian hackers