Chuck Schwa

Dubs in 3. 

The racist, homophobic criminal young ones.

I got a lot of American Grafitti out of it, but that’s ‘cos I’m old.

When you stop appreciating youthful shenanigans, that’s when you age. No matter how old you are

San Leandro- where the term “hella” is said to have entered the lexicon. Hella forever! 🙅🏼‍♂️

Right about now-bout now-bout now-bout now fuuuuuuunnnk soooouuuulll broooth-errrrrr

I can almost feel the wind from the finger wagging, gramma!

You know what I got from my wife? Palimony!

God bless the little zygotes, everyone.

Now starting—at Left Guard—of YOUR 2019 Cleveland BROOOWWWWNSSS!!!

Let’s hope she was waiting for this moment. This is the moment, btw- this is it.

A “Muellcer”, if you will.

You realize we will have to wait for someone to explain to Trump what Mueller said, first. 


So an all Irish ticket Biden/O’Rourke?

I think we’re winning when they eat each other, no? That glass is half full!

You can’t delete your Kinja, sorry. 

Drawing attention to one’s self-even on the occasion of one’s sesquicentennial-in the presence of a monarch simply isn’t done, my dear.

Who-of any note, with any clout or power on the left-is advocating for seizing the means of production? Or are you just another zombie parrot who doesn’t. know. shit.