Chuck Schwa

PRICK Mulvaney. 

It’s helpful to remember that this one combs her hair with a fork, while the other one eats salad with a comb. 

What are we positing here exactly

Wow look at all that plastic bound for the global food web. Nice

“Help! I’m uncomfortably numb!” - the vic, probably

It’s like the fly they paint in the urinal- irresistible.

Inside every good American there is a Hugo Stiglitz waiting to get out.

That should be worth at least 2 bases.

If I were any of them — especially Matt — I would change my surname.

Who gives a shit about how they work.

That’s part of the millionaire ethos, and why we’ll never be one.

Mattis is as close as it gets- at least he served.


That fan Manny hi-fives is like Bizarro Steve Bartman, said the free associating gremlin pulling the levers behind mine eyeballs

Daenerys — on a blood-soaked tundra — with a dragon. And tits.

And we’re too dumb and distracted to know the difference.

All the better to see the poignant hilarity of the human condition with, my dear

It IS possible to do the right thing and get over at the same time

Better like this than in an amateur Danish submarine.