Chuck Schwa

It’s such a lamentable trap that if Dems have corporate backing – or attempt to attract some with tax breaks – then their sellouts, whereas the purely destructive right wing is so capable at profiting off of gaming the system and laud themselves for staying true to their ignoble causes. Sometimes it sucks trying to do

Marches and protests aren’t actually a lever of power in the way you’re trying to compare it, and you know it. Go tell it to the Tea Party and 2A protestors that gathered at state capitals the last 8 years.

“Russ and I voted for Trump!”

The latter for sure- he’s to busy watching himself on TV.

To be fair, it’s been a blitzkreig of Executive actions and masterful distractions that will hopefully be tied up in the courts for– hey did you hear Trump clowned on Spicer for not having a dark suit? What’s up with that guy? Is he a hostage like Melania or what

I’m just hoping that once he’s out, there will be many, many more new laws.

Who said we needed American scientists, tovarisch?

It’s not so much Trump, as it is everyone on the right from the base on up- a pathos to not question authority, and win at any cost. Homogeneity and faith are still forces to be reckoned with. And the promise of tax breaks, of course.

And we’re just over here playing checkers.

Wow actual jackboots? That didn’t take long.


A conservative hack devoid of ideas and morally bankrupt?

Woah she plagiarized Melania too? Ruthless.

You’re wrong, Arglebutt.

You’re a gullible tool, prove me wrong.

Is there a campus young republicans group anywhere that doesn’t disappoint?

Anyone in Western Washington looking to protest something on inauguration night, here’s the perfect event

“Oh look a rattlesnake- let’s see what it has to say”

Go to Albuquerque and stay in a hacienda. Buy some locally produced wine infused with New Mexican chilis. Drink 2 glasses, smoke a joint and drive to Santa Fe with narcotrafficante banda music blasting in your Chrysler 300 at 85 mph. The red and gold mesas and the clear 15 mile distances you can see across will blow