Chuck Schwa

Huh- well if you’re barely making it, and your people want to leave your company so badly maybe you’re not very good at your job and shouldn’t be in business for yourself.

Tila Tequila? Ann Coulter?

Historical proof white people can’t high five all that well.

Ok, you got me with the payoff.

How many employees does a yoga studio need? 5? How much are mats? People bring their own- people love walking around with their own yoga mats. What else is there? A counter with a sales terminal and a water cooler? Tea station? Seems cheap from here. I’m in the wrong business.

I hear you, but Obama and Trump are incomparable let’s be honest.

Remember to leave the seat up (for a change, lol) in observance!

That’s all I got, man. Time to wake up and organize, youths.

I hope he spends part of his donations on full time body guards!


Well said, but we didn’t learn our lesson in 2000 either. I would hope this is the end of the protest vote on the national level (vote your precious conscience [not you, Praetor] on local races and initiatives when there’s so much at stake like women’s health vis a vis SCOTUS appts) but there will always be more young

I’ve had a different experience [shrug]. Amazing this country of over 300 million is still intact based on our collective patchwork of anecdotal experiences. It’s not for everyone, I guess.

Hospitality. Two small stores, 30-35 employees at any time, many part time. Look, I understand people in your situation voting in your best interests (and I’d be curious what you pay yourself- I make less than 6 figures), it’s the “temporarily embarrassed millionaires” who believe Trump (Reagan, Rand, Uber) gives a

If you have more than 50 full time employees, shouldn’t your business be profitable enough to offer a basic meager plan to them? If you had fewer, weren’t you exempt? And couldn’t you have joined an exchange with other mid size companies to ameliorate costs further? Or could you have reincorporated into smaller LLCs

We’ve been paying for health insurance way before it was mandated. Health is a priority, and we’ve worked hard to get where we’re at over the years. And paying for a civilized society is a privilege. I don’t even mind supporting blighted rural areas and the ignorant assholes who sometimes dwell there, believing the

Sounds good, but I’d be like “right on dad, but I need to see the reciepts”- trust, but verify. If this election taught us anything it’s that people will lie right to your face and go into the booth and vote against their best interests. Not your dad, I’m sure- just sayin’.

“Fun” is for 12 year olds. Keep up the good work.

Death to the protest vote. And I think ‘shits-for-brain’ might be technically correct. Fun to say, too!

Fantastic. Ireland? They love a talker.