Chuck Schwa

I voted my conscience too, when I voted for the person who actually garnered more votes than the dangerous lunatic asshole with Putin’s hand up his ass. No regrets.

You moved your small yoga studio with its zero-fucking-overhead overseas because the regulatory duties here were I have that right...? You know what- I don’t care I hate the internet

#wheelchecktnrekt #favalad #idontknowhat thismeanz

Haha that’s great- what tradecraft do you specialize in again? (sorry- hard of hearing)

“Ruining the night”? This would’ve been as close to ‘being there’ as Booth or Oswald as much as a civilized society would allow- Ya feel me?

Vague Industries really killin it over here

I hope I am the first to star this comment- it’s a good’un nowhaimsayin

Thank you, comrade


Of all the scattershot campaign promises, the tax cut is the most –unifying– to both the party, and the opposition. Basest nature.

I don’t know what you think you did, but me and mine don’t deserve any of this. And neither did those who threw away their votes in protest, even if they don’t realize it yet. Make it right in 2018 y’all. Quick question to all of us professionals and business owners: what are you going to do with your inevitable

Robots will fix all of this whoops there I go again

I was thinking that ‘bootstraps’ would protect me from Poe’s Law. Please don’t make me start using ‘/s’ at the bottom of such posts- it just enables the already-behind-schedule sarcasm font industry.

A truly inspirational sentiment they will feel all the way down to their bootstraps. Remember Sadiq: there is no ‘I’ in ‘arbeit macht frei’!

Oh the people protesting will be targeted by the empowered and armed supporters for sure (I know that’s not what you meant). This will also help keep the Secret Service and local police forces over budget, you know- small government stuff.

Can’t we change one of the lesser commandments—like the graven image one, or the clearly abandoned “lord’s name in vain” one—to “thou shalt not be a sanctimonious attention whore”?

Shouldn’t you trying to destabilize France and Germany in European comment sections now? Game’s over, here.

The gaffes of the von Clownstick administration regime will be sublime, and it’s all we have to savor at the moment.

Are we sure that wasn’t Parker Posey getting in character for her next Christopher Guest mockumentary?

The crew with the real conflict of interests is in ironic ascendency, full stop. And do you know where leprechauns watch old Star Trek episodes? In Deforrest Kelly*