Chuck Schwa

Did you get to rip up any parking tickets in anyone’s face? I hear that’s what badasses do ha ha ha.

It makes me wonder if Cecily Strong’s bit The Girl You Wish You Hadn’t Started a Conversation With At a Party on SNL was conceived after any of JT’s hosting gigs.

I really want to believe this is the case, but...

Anecdotal evidence from one personal experience does not a fait accompli make, no matter how stats you don’t actually link to.

It can even make the lowliest of all the root vegetables, the dirt flavored rutabaga, taste good, as we found out just last week.

I’m fine with editorial direction that specializes in irony and hypocrisy. Works for me. You can thank Rupert Murdoch for removing objectivity from fact reporting.

She has a bad case of white lilt.

Sorry- what’s ironic?

Finally- stereo on my phone.

You spelled Hendricks wrong.

“Paper or plastic, mum?”

I initially thought this was a parable about being a Metallica fan versus being a Stryper fan.

“Oh good he’s back,” —PepsiCo C-suite, Purchase, New York 10577

Sure, Ivanka gets all the attention- but Tiff’s used to playing second diddle.

That’s okay, neither did he.

Forget it, Joe- it’s Gresham.

Garbage juice.

“Thank Christ for Terrence Howard,” —your friendly neighborhood Grand Dragon

The Mendacity Zone

“ I got on the phone to Berlin to speak to Herr Hitler directly, but unfortunately the line was engaged. There was nothing I could do to prevent the carnage of the next six years...”