Marmellata - “Forget the presidency. We need to vote for Democrats in every other office, up and down ticket, from the lowliest local school board to our senators and members of Congress.”
Donald Trump is the president most likely to be despised until the heat death of the universe! In a hundred thousand years, our post-human descendants will still curse the anniversary his birth! Alien races across the galaxy will use “Trump” as a vile epithet, synonymous with their most unpleasant bodily functions!-…
bleach blond
Reality, science, facts and logic all have a well-known liberal bias.
“I have been thinking that I would make a proposition to my Republican friends... that if they will stop telling lies about the Democrats, we will stop telling the truth about them”. - Adlai Stevenson - 10 September 1952
Ben Grimm - “... or lack of physical evidence ...”
How did our world come to be like this? Half of the population treated so poorly from the other half. All of these women, someone’s mothers and sisters, being told / made to be available for sex at any time, not speak, cover-up from head to oh so tantalizing toe, walk X number of steps behind, accept “most” of what a…
dbtw - “It’s better than nothing, man.”
eye-surgeon - “It favors neither plaintiff or defendant.”