Try watching it on youtube, where it can be slowed to 0.25 speed.
Stephan Zielinski - “This really looks to me like the usual preparation-for-the-previous-war. Bush and Rumsfeld believed their own baloney that the Iraqis would greet us as liberators; we found out the hard way that this was wrong; soldiers in vehicles that were well suited for an assault but poorly suited for years…
ARP2 - Also, Tricia Newbold suffers from dwarfism and the Administration tried to fire her by putting all her files in higher drawers and then saying she couldn’t perform her job.
Today Sun 24 Mar 2019 is the 83rd day of the year. It’s 12:54 PM MDT.
britt93 - “... I’m now angry that Finns pay barely anything for great healthcare ...”
welding glass to metal could make an interesting bong
We are having our own “codified fairy tales, organized whackadoodle religions” here in America.
I followed the link and watched the explosion on youtube at 1/4 (0.25) speed, you can see a lot more.
“You always want to go by what’s come out of his mouth rather than look at what’s in his heart.” — Kellyanne Conway defending Donald Trump - 9 Jan 2017