
Start off selling one kidney, one lung and both eyes from this Vishwanath Akuthota guy, then turn him into a forced bone marrow and blood donor whilst we figure out what else of his might be useful.

Just like with ZTE, I’m sure tRump will profit. tRump said he must save Chinese jobs by lifting the the seven-year export ban on ZTE. After the ban was lifted, a Chinese bank and the Chinese government EACH put $500,000 towards tRumpland Jakarta. US policy changed to profit tRump.

Could one or a couple of these robot dogs drag me out of my house if it’s on fire and I’m unconscious ? Could someone add one more solenoid to fire a robot dog mounted semiautomatic shotgun ?

Matt Novak - “Trump is often more likely to brag about his supposed brilliance and wealth than he is to claim he might actually know nothing.”

Next time you get robbed or someone you know gets shot to death, call a hacker

misterchief81 - “And even if they do survive for awhile, they will be a huge target for poachers and probably be killed off within a few years.”

e36-burger-lord - “If you have one of these in your house you are BEGGING people to listen to everything that goes on.”

Hating Donald Trump doesn’t make you special, it just means you know a little about him.

WonderGamer57 - “What I say goes and I’m never ever wrong.”

Blakefelix - “ ...osteonecrosis... “

Stephan Zielinski - “This really looks to me like the usual preparation-for-the-previous-war. Bush and Rumsfeld believed their own baloney that the Iraqis would greet us as liberators; we found out the hard way that this was wrong; soldiers in vehicles that were well suited for an assault but poorly suited for years

An American doctor and a navy officer, Captain George Bond studied the bodily effects of deep sea diving. Known as the “father of saturation diving”, Bond spearheaded U.S. Navy’s Sealab I, II and III.