
Chatoyance - “And, unless more is done than talk and posts on the internet, she will get what she wants.”

Denzel Washyourtongue - “Remove this man!!!!”

TownaceNoah - “It would be interesting to know whether or not he played this much golf as a private citizen.”

PoorMan’sFrankLangella - “I bet Mother knows.”

ArmoredTitan- -”I’d rather keep Trump and risk WW3 than have Pence turn the U.S. into a real-life Handmaid’s Tale.”

cecreamdreamin - “Our beauty is regarded as our 1st and most important quality, no matter what excellent beings we are, and it’s still the norm for these dudes unfortunately. So fucking dated.”

Buddy1234 - “Yes, what would happen if the major networks were ever politicized? Says Rip van winkle”

TheBurnerFormerlyKnownAsPooJavelin - “Is that including Ted Cruz?”

Now playing

DianaDoe2.0 - “Seriously, everyone basically knows that Trump is as anti-religion as you can get, but they believe he’s a die-hard Christian because he’s a Republican.”

Andrew Daisuke - “You’d think that MAYBE one of his republican-bots would chime in and explain to him that everything he’s doing looks bad, real, real bad, right? “

Fruskyany - “Wow holy hell I think you just cured my 16 year addiction to porn. Never gonna look at a butthole the same ever again”

The image.

Denzel Washyourtongue - “He did this after he told them to “feel proud” that their death toll wasn’t as high as Katrina’s, which is exactly the type of contest one would expect to have when they first arrive in hell.”

Sktroop - “ Trump spends other peoples’ money, never his own.”

Azure Lore - Hope Rides Alone - “Well, you know. 55 gallon barrels of water, pallets of food, new homes, bridges, generators, barrels of gasoline for said generators, and other such necessities are too heavy to be thrown and don’t make as good a photo-op.”

Pink’s Beatings Will Continue Until Morale Improves - “What’s remarkable to me is that she is a beautiful woman with great bone structure, but she isn’t satisfied to just be glamorous. Which is glamorous in its own way. An effortless, deep beauty.”

Global Beet - “You can’t legislate against evil”

Kate - “Yo. How about we don’t call women cows, no matter how much we dislike someone?”