Chuck E.

“What if Commander Riker were a 90s tv mom?”

There’d been “subtext” for a while.

Oh we knew ahead of time. Their were viewing parties all over the place. They had been teasing it for several episodes with little jokes that had her almost come out.

As a young newly out queer woman this had such a profound effect on myself and my friends. We had viewing parties for both the puppy episode and her Diane Saywer interview. My parents were havuing a very hard time with my sexuality and seeing Betty stand up for Ellen was soawesome.

This guy has been employed by Fox for the entire duration of their Obama Derangement Syndrome plus the whole of the last election and he’s only just realizing the place was hella racist?

We stand proudly bloodthirsty in the company of the last countries that just love killing their citizens: China, Iran, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia. Go team!

I see political writers are still trying to blame everything besides a lot of Americans being misogynistic idiots who couldn’t stand the idea of a competent women running the country for the Trump win.

“Heckle and Jeckle in The Rocky Horror Picture Show”

The last line of Seinfeld was the first line of The Seinfeld Chronicles. I loved The Sopranos finale. All very existential.

I used to watch TNG, but never saw the finale. I never watched Breaking Bad, so I never saw its ending either.

I so agree. I used to like lawyer shows. Then I met my husband, who is one. And every time I’d watch L&O, CSI, NCIS — all the acronyms — he would provide a blow-by-blow commentary about how such crime detection is simply not possible (think “the electrified pickle”), complete with a lengthy and lawyerly explanation

To be honest, sometimes I get itchy over the women directors for women’s stories refrain. It can start to feel like we’re isolating stories about women, declaring them things that only women can understand, and thereby reinforcing the idea that men can’t enjoy or relate to them. And yet women can relate to men’s

I can see that all coming crashing down on Bannon’s head soon. Drumpf has always kept it in the family. There would have to be something horribly egregious to make him turn against his prized child’s husband.

Ivanka has never been for us. Honestly, she says the right things but she doesn’t do anything that doesn’t benefit her other family. I believe out of everyone in her family she is the smartest one and to look out for her. All of the men in her family are idiots and I include her husband in that.

Helen who didn’t think her husband would get deported.

Bernie or bust millennial “feminists.”

It thrills me that satire is infecting Orange’s brain and influencing his decisions. We have the sharpest double-edged sword ever known, with a demented puppet who has no original thoughts and so can be manipulated by a tweet. We can be that tweet.

Bannon looks like a guy who bets on the Special Olympics

If only.