Chuck E.

Nymeria and Ghost.

That she is Spock’s sort-of sister is a huge part of her journey. I saw an after-show with the producers of Discovery where they said they knew before writing the first season that the last shot of the season finale would be of the Enterprise.

Why not both (migration routes)?

But then you can’t tell Michael Burnahm’s story, which is the whole point of Discovery.

I could have sworn I’ve seen Star Trek: Insurrection, but I don’t remember any of those scenes or ships. Weird. I guess I better watch it again.

No, it’s still water, but yes, it is part of other molecules. If you break up the molecule, you get water, plus other elements or molecules.

Magma for erruptions comes from the earth’s crust, not mantle, though. I’m not sure how good that information would be for determining the composition of the mantle. Even at subduction zones, it’s the subducting crust that melts and rises to form volcanos.

It’s not a cheap stunt. Yes, it doesn’t address DACA, but it provides billions of dollars for hospitals, schools, and also billions to Puerto Rico for its infrastructure. Those are not stunts. I’m sure Bernie will grandstand against it, and in fact, Pelosi is voting against the bill too (as is Joe Kennedy, to the

I’m personally fine with all the Fundamentalist Christians out there skipping the flu shot every year. They should also take up bird keeping and pig farming.

I watched it last night and thoroughly enjoyed it. The last image, I felt, wasn’t even necessary. But I’m not a scifi corksniffer. I just watched the movie and liked it. Is it as good as the first two movies? No. But it fits and also ties them all together. I like how the husband of Hamilton ends up in what appears to

The movie? You thought it was disappointing? You’re pretty jaded. I just watched it and it was pretty excellent.


The only people worried she’ll run again are fucking Berners who put us in this mess to begin with. Once they’re sure Hillary isn’t running, they’ll turn their guns on whichever Real Democratic candidates are running against St. Bernie and engage in the same character assassinations as they did with Clinton (supplied

And before VHS tapes cost only $20 new. They used to cost $120 since most people did not buy movies, so your late fees could be truly astronomical.

Trump is sundowning. I blame Standard Time.

Well, you’re taking the cyanide pill right afterwards anyway, so they can’t torture you for information. Blowing off your thumbs would be covering all the bases.

I’m disabled, so I am clearly in the sights of the GOP’s war on healthcare, which Pence might do a better job at implementing, and I have two LGBTQ children who, along with their friends, are in deep shit with the administration, no matter who’s calling the shots. It doesn’t change the fact that Trump is an

Wouldn’t Facebook just need your, um, face? I mean, if you publish my body without the face, it would fail its goal of being revenge porn. And to be honest, put my face on any naked body and I might get upset.

Don’t you know that Kinja has enough on its hands running the Antifa Supersoldier Program?

So now, if you’re a secret agent and you’re compromised, you have to blow off your own thumb before taking the cyanide capsule. Note to self.