
No matter what you point you are trying to make, once you throw out stupid made up numbers like 12/22 MPG, no one cares what you are saying, this isn’t 1995.

Its like the Pontiac Aztek all over again. Btw i hated the Juke’s styling. And I am unashamed to say i liked the Aztek’s style... That was a quirky cool vehicle. Either way both were to polarizing to make it.

A revamp of product line up and a new ad campaign can work wonders for old brands. Look at Buick. The GM brand that should have died when Olds did.. Now has a car line up that people actually want to buy. The ad campaign basically said we sucked and we learned that holding onto the same customer base that is dying off

Me: OMG these tide pod idiots are now jumping out of their cars and dancing to a Drake song... While the car is moving

This is a great take, it should replace the X5 suggestion or even the Caddy since the guy already pointed that out and made it a lazy choice.

Don’t Listen to them David, While you do suggest some outlandish cars that doesn’t mean that we dislike your take. While someone looking to spend 60k will not take your suggestion seriously, many of us like to see what you dig up! For instance, nowhere in the info does it say it has to be a wagon, but 2 were wagons,

You know he didn’t win the popular vote right? That means he has been pissing off MORE THAN HALF of us Americans the entire time. Our voting system is F*ed up. And must be hard for people outside it to understand... Hell even most Americans do not understand it. So please do not lump all Americans in with Trump

This is a case of the Federal government overstepping into the power of the State. Not the state trying to dictate federal standards.... While I don’t care about CA emissions, I do think they have the right to regulate the amount of pollution being emitted with in their boundaries. Federal government should not have

Yeah... Our 07 Camry has had to have 2 pedals installed to fix the “carpet” problem on sudden acceleration. Open about defects? Nope. Recall work done, car went nuts the following year. Replace pedal, fixed for 2 years, car went nuts again. Of course the part only has a 1 year warranty.

That said, Toyota did do the

This is awful. We got our takata notice for our Subaru, I called and scheduled service that week. Go Subaru!

That is called an RV. Many of which are built on E-series frames for the mid-sized market.

You must be Pence’s Kinja PR rep. I personally like this part of the story best:

“The federal government, meanwhile, plans to clean up a plume of cancer-causing solvent discovered beneath a former Kiel Bros. station that threatens drinking water near the Pence family’s hometown”

Funny how the only place getting federal

You don’t have to know how to count to be an elected official.

I love the looks of the Tour X. Makes me want a Buick

Ford announced the end of passenger cars before Trump started his trade war. This has nothing to do with Trump. Once the market gets flooded with the same snooze fest of crossovers and the Camry and Accord start out selling them Ford will come back to the car market

No one really knows what to call the SSR... It’s not a truck or a car, maybe a ute? Although in the states most don’t know what a ute is. We had them late 60's - mid 80's. 

I had an 89 caviler when i was a kid. When i sold said car the trans was shot and it was running on 3 cylinders. Stilk got 300 for the car.

Our representatives only respond to who has the most money to buy them with. Writing them does no good. Unless you mean write them a "charitable donation" check.

After all the lovely ladies delivering said vehicles from $kaycog you are having his delivered by a cock.

Now playing

It’s a Wonderful Night - Fatboy Slim. This is my summer night cruising song. I cant explain it, wont even try to defend it. It is what it is. This song, 75 degrees 10pm low humidity all windows down just driving along. through the city streets. This somehow will always bring a giant smile to my face and kill my usual