
This is true on all racing. Here in America you have Team Penske that dominates several series. Hendricks and John Force to name a couple more. These teams here have major funding so have the best drivers engineers and pit crews available. But unlike F1 there is more parity in NASCAR, IndyCar, or NHRA that gives the

LOL! Well, F1 sucks? Only need lots of money? Isn’t real racing? ****

There not centered at all now... Majorly inflammatory. Just for you.

He is doing it to “equalize trade” duh.... *snickers* cant keep a straight face...

He has to pay for his stupid wall man!

I have no idea why F1 fans complain about Nascar or the other way around. They are 2 completely different sports. The only thing they have in common are “Cars” and they are not even close to “in common”. It does take a lot of skill to run a completely clean race. It also takes a lot of skill to be competitive in a

This may start trending since the trucks nowadays are incredibly too tall and getting stuff in and out of them is a hassle.

Oh good there is a heir apparent to the douche nozzle that started this thread. Please educate all of us that that are “Filthy Rich” and own 20 guns... Americans work longer hours and have less benefits than most of the world. Most of us live just above the poverty line even though we are working so many more hours.

I am willing to bet this person that has never even seen an American pick-up. Just another opportunity to hate for no reason. You can tell from the general tone. All americans are fat and eats Mcdonalds. All 300 million of us.

I was in agreeance with you until you went ridiculous. I have marveled at how some do luck into making a really good living and how they are clueless... But attacking personal tastes such as condiments, flip flops, and ANY CAR type on a website devoted completely lost me and probably many others. While

Or have to say “New Body Style” like I do, and still end up with the wrong parts... It is sad to call a 14 year old truck 3 re-designs back “new”. I got to the point I just tell them ‘05 to skip the hassle, I mostly get the correct parts AND dont have to go through the “heritage” “old” “new” crap.

I’ve never had a 10/10, but does 5 2/10 at once count??

You all are spelling cemetery correctly and therefore spelling it wrong. It would be Parts Semetery. 

This hurts.

I saw that too. 😆

Xennial here. These bikes don’t sound like shit from the factory, they are made to sound like shit. This is the culture that sprung up that kills the Harley for me.

We all don’t want a sport bike either, I prefer a nice touring bike I can eat up the miles on in comfort, whether that means a fat bike like a Goldwing,

How is it that you lost sleep thinking about a Rogue. I can’t seem to remember seeing one 30 seconds after i see it.

A lot of people still will finance a 10+ year old car if they have good credit but no cash. You cant really finance repairs, at least not at 7% or lower.

We have all seen the origin of the CUV Sedan.... This one even says “Roll Dub” on the side in Autozone special lettering.

I saw one of these on the way home from work yesterday and i have to say i was impressed with it’s styling. It kind of shocked me that I liked it.

Dumb ad campaign or not, I want some “Oh Yes We Did” around me. My tires and wheels just dont care what the road has painted on it, just that they are not being destroyed by potholes and crappy budgeting.

I think i saw this on cars and coffee with Jerry Seinfield. Same color and wicker seats.