
As the son of a rich white man, I know I’m not allowed to have an opinion, let alone voice it these days.

I don’t do it for the likes or retweets, I do it because more than likely both him and his father read every single tweet for validation, and hopefully they die just a little inside every time they see one from me.

I think he comes off as an extremely well-spoken, decent, and diligent guy but that’s just my personal take. One thing I *have* noticed in the last couple of interviews I’ve seen him in—namely with Colbert and Maher—is the tendency of the hosts to deflect by dropping the whole Frank Sinatra parentage rumor into the

Hear Hear.

Fuck that bitter herb.

Jezspin forever


Has anyone ever seen Thiel and Spanfeller in the same room? What is the end game, here? Because it’s certainly not about money. Everything move they’ve made thus far has been the antithesis of money-making. This is like the Underpants Gnomes plan for G/O Media.

First of all, fuck Jim Spanfeller, et al.

Next, I whole wholeheartedly reject the idea that we must accept the idea that foie gras is inherently delicious. It’s like Ellen butt-sucking up to Dubya. People who do evil things are inherently evil, no matter how many hard candies they keep in their pockets. Food made

Are comments being blocked here as well as Gizmodo? Because fuck Jim Spanfeller and fuck all the corporate toadies that are running good things into the ground out of an obsessive need to prove their dicks are bigger than everyone else.

wow, Devonna. I feel like you described me as well. Adoptee, alcoholic (with other addiction issues as well). Vacillating between the two types....In therapy and have discussed EMDR but not yet done it. 

Oh god - we are on this path together. Also in recovery, started therapy to deal with the shit of being anxious attached and living with an avoidant. It is a slog, but it’s gotten so much better. Anyway, it sucks, and I feel your pain.

I’m bawling, thanks. It’s been a really hard day/week/year. I just feel like I’m drowning every day.

Hey! I recognize you. And as an Internet Neighbor who’s been following your news for a while, you are not screwing up your daughter. You have done your level best to be a supportive, positive presence, and you are also a normal human person who will inevitably experience challenges with showing up for the kid you love

I’m on the other side of this, as an adoptee (adopted in infancy), and an alcoholic in recovery. I vacillated between avoidant and anxious attachments until getting myself a great therapist when I was in my early 30's. Through talk therapy and EMDR, I have mostly recovered - although I’m still in an LTR with someone

Yeah, this is me. I have tons of friends, a great education, a fantastic job, a pretty good outlook on life, and I become batshit crazy during breakups. I will stalk, threaten, even abuse men if I feel they left me without concern for MY emotional health, MY schedule, or MY personal goals. It’s led to many domestic

Thanks for a relatively eye opening response.  I’m somewhere between the two “insecure attachment” personality types, and it has always confounded me how people could meet somebody in their teens or twenties and then stay with that same person for fifty years.

Then hold onto your hat, because you’re about to be fascinated by the revelatory field of psychology and neuroscience known as “attachment theory”.

When people go in like this I’m of two minds:

I do kind of empathize with Jamil here. Like her I’m working my way backwards through history and my “Willy Brandt’s handling of the Guillame scandal cemented his place as Germany’s worst ever Chancellor” tweet isn’t holding up as well as I’d hoped. 

You’re an alcoholic.