
“Wibbly Wobbly Timey Wimey...stuff” is the exact level of science I need from the show,

The big final reveal, of a helmeted baddie with a red lightsaber, feels close to self-parody.

You can’t really tell quality from trailers but a Jedi murder mystery without any of the million characters from the movies in it intrigues more then most of the other offerings so far. I always felt expanding Star Wars would mean telling stories that didn’t involve Luke, Leia, Han and the friends that made along the

Also, show the woman some respect and get better promotional photos because that one up above is literally the first time I’ve ever seen Morena Baccarin not look absurdly stunning.

Someone please offer Morena Bacarin better roles.

Good on Dan, Emma and Rupert for continuously supporting LGBTQ+🏳️‍🌈  community. Rowling is so far gone at this point. 

However, of the general phenomenon that pit the actors against the author, he observes, “There’s a version of ‘Are these three kids ungrateful brats?’ that people have always wanted to write, and they were finally able to. So, good for them, I guess.””

It’s like Orson Scott Card. The man has done a total 180 from who he was when he wrote Speaker for the Dead - an incredible book about learning to love and see the humanity in the Other... and now he’s a rampant homophobe and Islamophobe.

I can’t believe we haven’t yet gotten an SNL sketch about how the books feature multiple scenes of boys sneaking into a girls’ bathroom to take a shape-changing potion.

Seems like she would know...shut the fuck up already. What good is this doing her?

Look at the comments by Radcliffe and the comments by Rowling, and tell me which is the more reasoned response by a happier person.

It’s almost shocking how well-adjusted the adults the Harry Potter child stars grew up to be are, even beyond the “big 3" of Daniel, Emma and Rupert.

“This reflects not only on Rowling, but on the entire Wizarding World empire she’s built, including its original stars, like Daniel Radcliffe.”

Elon is a fucking POS and you shouldn’t give him any of your hard earned money.

That’s definitely one of the reasons, but the other reason is probably that their cars are now 6+ years old and fucking old now interior or exterior wise.

See, I was hoping this was about an actual gross chemistry test -- like a practical lab exam where she had to synthesize mercaptans or other unpleasant molecules.

I’ve watched a couple of the more recent episodes. Good lord, it deserves all the hate you can give it.

Ryan Reynolds. Deadpool movie. What do you need, a road map?

I’ve never wished more that Graham Chapman was still alive. He absolutely would have been able to explain to these other guys the difference between “mindless good taste” as Cleese described at his funeral and just common decency.