
Must stink to own a 100k penis substitute, when you can’t even wash it.

Every time I hear his name I think, Rob Schneider is.. a Stapler.

The most talented thing to ever come from Rob Schneider is Elle King. And while she’s not Taylor Swift, I have enjoyed the songs I’ve heard.

Now playing

It’s poetic justice how the closest thing Rob Schneider has to a comedy legacy is a parody of him made by more talented people.

Fat, dumb and so racist that Republicans say ‘Hey, maybe that’s a bit too racist!’ is no way to go through life, son.

“And I loved you.”

Like, past tense? This made you no longer love this guy?

Because he’s clearly ragging on social media stars, not Timothy Chalamet, and it feels like his tongue is pretty firmly in cheek either way.

I don’t think he’s talking about Timothee Chalamet. I think he means more YouTubers and TikTokers and other such “influencers” who are “famous” because they do a dance or model a piece of clothing.

Kevin Sorbo saw her first!

Heck, people keep taking Trump’s cases, and he is notorious for stiffing everybody on payments.

Over at RationalWiki they refer to this “Just Asking Questions” bullshit as “JAQing off.”

Maybe Gina Carano is a dumbass white supremacist who should be ostracized by polite society?

saying she was merely “asking questions”

She’s sending out the signal, and every potential employer now sees what an entitled, self-righteous, litigious, ignorant nightmare she is.

It’s horrible that actors are having to deal with this, and I’m glad to see so that the actor in question is receiving support from her peers. But I’m not sure what any individual or small group of people can do. I do think that there are supportive services like counseling in dealing with this ugly part of social

You fell victim to one of the classic blunders! The most famous is: Never get involved in a land war in Asia. But only slightly less well-known is this: Never try to post a YouTube link in an AV Club comment! Ha ha ha! Ha ha ha ha ha ha! Ha ha—*dies*

There are 4 lights and 1 good Matrix movie.

Johnny Chesterfield Q. Fucking Christ.

A reboot wouldn’t need Richardson, because it’s obvious that at least some time in the intervening 25 years, Jill Taylor 100% would have wised up and left her asshat of a husband. Tim Taylor in 2024 is definitely a divorced sad dad living bitterly alone, unable to grasp how his current state of a affairs is a direct

He was a jailhouse snitch, being a rat is bad enough but now he’s Mr. Moral Majority, and there are several accounts of him being a terrible person and terrible to work with, particularly to women, so which of those do you want to pick?

Tim Allen is a coke snitch, always worth remembering, really sad the reaper took John Ritter instead of him