
If their inevitable next show doesn’t open with “Kyle Quit the Band” I will be supremely disappointed.

Say what you will about how diet and fitness have evolved over time, but Richard Simmons was the rare gem that actually gave a crap about actually helping folks get healthy and happy. Sweatin to the Oldies and all his videos/ specials were filled with real people who were there to get active in whatever way they could

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Pauly Shore is beyond an asshole for basically stalking a guy who clearly relished his privacy and who was taking substantial effort to keep out of the public eye. I’m glad Simmons was able to ensure some level of protection from people prying despite this; he was a hell of a character and performer, and by most

I don’t understand this website’s level of hatred for harmless movies made for six year olds.

Phew. Well, that sure was a lot of words to take down a series of fun kids movies. I can’t wait for the 50,000-word thesis on why kids shouldn’t like classic Disney movies.

It’s just weird to me that Trump’s obvious cognitive decline (I mean, dude was on pause for a full 90-seconds) does not get discussed AT ALL, except by late night comedians.  I’m not comfortable with either choice, but at least I know Biden doesn’t surround himself with crony yes-men or the 2025 Project people (who

There was no evidence of cognitive decline in this interview.

Sienna Miller with her obviously botoxed/plastic surgeried face seems like a terrible miscast here. Pretty sure they didn’t have cosmetic surgery back in the 19th century.

If only there were a perfect meme to describe the attempts to make this mov-

I know it’s been reviewed on this site, but I urge everyone who sees this to check out I Saw the TV Glow. It’s great to make movies about trans people, but it’s even better when a trans person gets to make a movie.

This sounds lovely. The world sorely needs more empathy and understanding.

Hold on. If I’m understanding it correctly, the first guy that got it exactly right did so because he and his wife had studied the game and prices of things over a large period of time and that’s how he was able to guess the exact price?

You think his anti-vax stance alone would be enough to keep a HEALTH CARE foundation from booking him. The filthy content is just lagniappe.

The thing I always loved about the Romulans was that it seemed like they had just one state sanctioned haircut. 

It’s so exhausting to see practically every rich famous white guy who reaches a certain age adopt these same tired tropes about “wokeism” simply because they amuse themselves with it and assume that everyone will be just as amused. It’s old, it’s unoriginal, and it’s the #1 sign that someone has become out of touch

I love rap. I even love some Eminem once in awhile.

Eminem has been shit for way longer than he has been great. He had a stellar run of albums in the late 90s and early 2000s. And now he continues to dump on his legacy with every new release. This has nothing to do with his politics, it’s just obvious that he’s tired and has nothing to say anymore.

Em is overrated and been washed. And this song is hot trash