
Al Roker slowly shuffling away from his co-hosts as the COVID diagnosis is announced is pretty great physical comedy to pull off on-the-fly.

Fuck off.

Counterpoint-Rocky III is a fantastic movie and frankly, is superior to Rocky IV. You have a much better “villain” in Clubber Lang than Ivan Drago (who’s only reason for existence is because of the Cold War) and it cements the growth in Rocky and Apollo’s relationship from rivals to friends, which lays the groundwork

 Take your meds and stop bothering the grown-ups. 

Putting this twat in charge of my beloved Hammers... Mind you, he can’t do worse than Avram Grant.

This is going to sound strange, but watching the trailer I realize what I really want from this show is for Roy Kent to be happy 

Very much hoping they resolve the Roy-Jamie-Keeley thing early in the season because absolutely no one cares about it.

What a positive, uplifting show.

And I hope Nate gets his dick eaten off by a badger.

Good for Yeoh, but I think the Oscar statue would be a better fit.

Similarly, Garfield creator Jim Davis went on a disturbing, hate-filled rant about Mondays in a recent strip, which he then followed-up with an effusive essay about his favorite food lasagna.

Based on the pull quotes, I don’t think there’s some magical context that will make the braindead cartoonist’s virulent racism somehow lessened or explainable. Especially considering that we have a storied history of the braindead cartoonist being a right-wing shitheel.

The full context does not make it any better. He interprets some poll as proof that a majority of Black people have anti-White beliefs, calls them a hate group for it and says White people should stay away from Black people and that that’s why he lives in an area with little to no Black people.

Bill Hader

My dad has both; it fucking SUCKS. I really feel for his family.

This is awful. Poor guy. In his prime, he was a true talent full of charisma.

Someone way smarter than me mentioned in the HP game review comments that she probably could have been talked around or made to understand the impact of her comments, but the reaction was so aggressive that she basically doubled down so hard that she’s never coming back. I don’t know. 

Why does she continually choose to die on this hill? If I see someone else making life choices that I don’t understand or agree with, but those decisions are making zero impact on my life, I just say “Huh. That’s weird.” and I move on with my day. Why can’t JK do that? Why can’t she just keep her opinions to herself?

“They misinterpreted me when I repeatedly promoted organisations that call the very existence of trans women a form of rape, and accused people who simply said ‘Don’t listen to me, I’m just a celebrity’ of being rape apologists with Prophet complexes, and accused people who explicitly said ‘I still own my HP stuff,

Hey, at least we feel unearned superiority because of our opinions and beliefs, rather than our skin color and place of birth.