
If there’s no Robert Wuhl, I walk. 

We should also remember that the show was co-created and co-written by Connie Booth, it wasn’t a 100% John Cleese creation, and she wasn’t involved in this reboot idea.

The most annoying thing to me is that theicy, harsher landscape of the modern Kurtzman-led Trek shows” is PERFECT for the one show they won’t even acknowledge, Deep Space Nine. You’ve got Picard continuing TNG, Prodigy continuing Voyager, and even Discovery sort of carrying on for Enterprise. And basically all DS9

Of course it is, even Cleese knows that. He’s spent the past 50 years going on and on about how they had to leave it at two series.

I’d rather watch Michael Palin just eating a sandwich. He’d bring warmth and humanity to it, and it would still be very funny.

David and Brandon Cronenberg > God and Jesus.

Kinja name checks out.

It’s January. January being a dumping ground for crap films is a pretty longstanding meme. Save your strange doomsday predictions for if the box office looked like this in May.

Honestly Shrek is the worst part of the Shrek movies. 

Not gonna lie, I’d absolutely watch a Donkey movie. Eddie was always my favorite part of those movies.

I hate feet, foot fetishes, and anything related. I don’t know why, but ugly feet just gross me out, and most people’s feet are gross. It’s like the one part of the body that an AI decided to make, and fucks it up almost every time.

I love when people present their personal opinions as objective facts, and then follow that up with condescending patronization. It’s like a one-two punch of douche-baggery. 

I’m not entirely sure what the community wants from Riddles, or top players in general, but asking that they be robots and show no emotion just ain’t it.

Maybe it’s because I’m a “filthy poor” but I’ve NEVER understood throwing or breaking a controller. Even when my lizard brain gets angry my logical brain screams “THAT’S A $70 MISTAKE, PLACE THE CONTROLLER ON THE TABLE AND TAKE A BREAK DIPSHIT!”

FarRight MAGA chuds: Freedom of speech man, it’s like really important. You can’t tell youdont like me saying something because that is censoring my freedom of speech.

People around here really don’t know what an actual bad film is like...

It made me realize that the answer to the question “Who’s going to be the next beloved celebrity that will devastate you when they die the same way Betty White did?” has always been Mel Brooks. Please let him become the first human being to live forever.

good or bad, i hope it shuts up all the people who consistently bray about the woke police and how mel brooks would never be able to make movies today.

Counter point.  A lot of funny people are involved and Brooks has always been a great collaborator. This could turn out to be fun 

Anyone calling her a scammer or a liar is just showing their whole ass at how fucking stupid and pathetic they are. Ever since the drama and her pivoting away from hot tub stuff, her Twitch numbers have absolutely tanked. She would regularly have over 10k viewers, sometimes 15 or close to 20, now she’s usually around