
Wow, already working hard on earning that “2023 Award for Biggest Piece of Shit Commenter”. Way to get a head start. (And congrats on your 2022 win!)

It felt to me like one of those situations where two scripts are floating around behind the scenes and the execs decide they’re similar enough to smash them together--like they were thinking about exploring Buzz Lightyear’s canon, and also someone had a fun little sci-fi romp, and why not combine them! But the two

Honestly, Reva’s arc is on par with Anakin’s when it comes to outright stupidity and a general lack of logic. Anakin... had some vague dreams and moodiness and it was apparently enough to side with the guy who’s plans were what put Padme in danger in the first place. I mean, Anakin had multiple chances to back out of

Honestly my favorite part of the movie is that the so called genius billionare was in fact dumb as a sack of rocks.

I’d vote for any ban that includes that Ryan Reynolds/Will Ferrell whatever Spirited ad I see everywhere.  What the fuck is it?  Am I supposed to just think it’s about two guys that might run?  I mean I assume it’s another Christmas war of the dads movie like Deck the Halls or Jingle All The Way, but seriously, it’s

It was fairly novel for its time, but it hasn’t aged all that well. Shrek 2 is definitely a superior film.

I can’t share this on bloody facebook because I’ll dox myself: There have been so many times the past two years that I’ve been close to the edge myself. When I’m despairing I watch tWitch and his colleagues dance instead. I can’t count how many times they have saved me. But he couldn’t save himself. It’s so hard to

I suppose one other thing that can be done is for a little extra eye to be given toward those closer to him.  Sometimes the one suicide can be a catalyst for another.  Folks don’t always realize the black hole of pain that will be left inside their friends and loved ones after they are gone.  And once in awhile that

Christ, you whine a lot. Election was hardly “generation-defining” and I’d be surprised if there were many who even cared about a sequel much less were clamoring to see it in theaters as opposed to the comfort of their own home. I doubt the special effects will demand that they only be seen on the big screen.

Because the author says that 

I’m brave enough make the argument Noel and Sandi were the best hosting duo. I like Mel and Sue, but they settled on “food-based innuendo” as their comedy gimmick early on and never really moved on. Noel and Sandi were goofier and less predictable while maintaining a similar level of warmth—well, on Sandi’s part,

I truly loved him as Nardole on Doctor Who, but his jokes on GBBO were always painfully forced. I won’t miss him.

I enjoy the game and will continue playing for free, but the biggest issue to me is that there are too many currencies/XPs. If there is a premium currency that requires you to pay real money for it, that should be how you buy “premium” things, like the Season Passes. It’s very weird to me that this isn’t the case.

Look at me with a straight face and tell me Pan’s Labyrinth isn’t good.

Sesame Street had a profound effect Gen X and Millennials. Both demographics were raised in front of the television, cartoons at breakfast, Sesame Street for lunch, and sitcoms for dinner. I distinctly remember Bob McGrath and am sad to here of his passing, from what I’ve read he led a full life and had an impact on

The man didn’t just influence a generation. Many of the kids who watched McGrath in that first season are grandparents now. That’s a great legacy.

“Christmas Eve on Sesame Street” is a yearly watch in the Gorilla household. It’s going to be melancholy this year. R.I.P.

Whenever the armored bear isn’t onscreen and mauling people, everyone should be asking “where’s the armored bear and why isn’t he mauling people?”

How much bear?