
American audiences, like the American people, don’t want empathy, support and success stories. We want angry, screaming, judgement and failure.

I love the show and I love the podcast also. I can appreciate that the trio is looking at their experiences and the episodes honestly.

Considering that there are entire Youtube channels out there devoted to pointing out mistakes, errors and general badness to movies, NDT pointing out bad science pales in comparison.

Only first and second season, though.

I was actually born after the day and year presented in the movie, but there is something about the people and the school that ring true to those of us who went to school before the internet.

I have a very bad feeling about these rankings.

Missy from Dcotor Who? She doesn’t truly get a chance to “be good”, but at the end of the Thirtheenth’s run, there is certainly a turn from the good ol’ Anthony Ainley days.

As much as I love Thousand Year Door (one of my all time favorites), the reveal of a new Vanillaware game.... YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!

Childish Gambino - This is America.

This is the kind of review that you see from someone who is personally offended that the current Star Wars isn’t “their ideal Star Wars”. 

Absolutely gross, but I bet we’ll still see his defenders responding against this.

Others have mentioned Star Trek V and Highlander II, but what about Godfather III? 

This group of people could have easily remained silent, and dealt graciously when asked about Masterson. There will be enough people disgusted with the support of Masterson that some viewership will peel away from That 70s Show and That 90s Show.

These letters of support are the equivalent of polishing a turd. When

I wonder if Bijou Phillips will stand by her husband. She certainly stood by her father and was accused of far more hideous crimes.

It was a pretty bananas summer.

I see it there, but only as a pre-install.

You could blame the filmmakers to a point, but it’s really JK Rowling who doesn’t do any of her characters justice. She is another author/maker who is decent at world-building, but cannot populate those worlds with many interesting characters or relationships (think George Lucas with Star Wars, Frank Herbert after

In the universe of the show, Emily dodged a huge bullet because Ross started annoying and became insufferable. Baxendale never seemed to fit with the rest of the cast, so I can see Burrows saying as much. Paul Rudd felt like a much natural fit as a secondary character later in the series, likely because Rudd is

This has nothing to do with trans rights.

Why does someone’s nipple affect you so much? It’s a body part, not someone threatening you with a gun.