
I haven’t been this excited for a 2D Mario since the first New Super Mario Bros on the DS. 

You saw Highlander II in the theater? And you survived?

I’ve played the day since day one, but I don’t expect to play it much longer. There are still region locked Pokemon that haven’t gotten evens in other areas. Spoofers still break the game open. Most days, there aren’t interesting Pokemon to catch and the new events aren’t really worth it. It was fun while it lasted,

“Genocidal BDSM death Nuns”. I’ve never heard a better description of the Honored Matres. Well done. The last few books get sexual in a way that can only represent how weird old, white men get.

RIP Bob. You were such a huge part of my childhood. I still watch old clips of TPIR from time to time for nostalgia.

Mark Wahlberg’s range as an actor is Marky Mark and Mark Wahlberg. If you call that range. I can’t think of a movie where it looks like he’s acting.

The fact that this review mentions Corellia and didn’t immediately discuss Han Solo or the Millennium Falcon surprised me.

Getting Jupiter Rising vibes from this. Meaning an empty space epic and waste of time. 

There’s a lot of 2000s television that didn’t age well. I’m glad that we’ve been able to get past a lot of the homophobic and transphobic humor that made up 90s and 2000s sitcoms *looks directly at Friends*.

Weirdo cult leader acting like a bully, while doing everything he can to ruin a business. What is Trump doing now? Wait, it’s Musk? I didn’t think we needed more than one of this kind of idiot.

Manufactured outrage on the internet = attention and/or money.

Requiem for Dream is quite disturbing to watch. I struggled to get through it, not because of excessive gore as in a horror movie, but to the was that addiction broke the four main characters. The most difficult was seeing Ellen Burstyn given electroshock therapy. I wanted to stop watching at that point.

The Faculty is better than Carrie, IMO.

Why do internet trolls always resort to: cherry picking data, moving goalposts, whataboutism and logical fallacies?

Because the evidence doesn’t support their position.

I refuse to listen to or watch anything Bill Cosby related now, but he was such a huge part of my childhood. Cosby’s “Himself” would be very high on this list if it wasn’t for Bill Cosby being an utterly abhorrent human being.

James Woods isn’t just an unlikeable protagonist. He’s unlikeable period. 

Zeebo sounds like a budget alien movie for kids from the early 2000s.

I don’t remember Patapon 2 having multiplayer, but 3 did. I never finished 3 because it was packed too much with stuff. Patapon 2 was the peak of the series and still my favorite.

I backed this project with the hopes that it will be good, but I’m wary like most people. I haven’t had great luck with Kickstarter games.

Pubescent me found Salt-n-Pepa around “Push It” and stayed all the way through Whatta Man with En Vogue.

The homophobia, especially directed at Chandler, is one of the reason why I won’t likely watch the series ever again. While Joey becomes a lot more likeable, he also become so mind-numbingly stupid that it becomes unfunny. Case in point, the final season episode where he can’t speak French.