
It must be upsetting to you that people have complex opinions and empathy for others.

Just like you have Sound of QAnon... I mean Sound of Freedom.

I can say, unfortunately, that I saw Turtles 2 in the theater. At least the amazing David Warner was in that movie.

I was all ready to not like Clive, but considering that few of the other characters in XVI are give any development, he carries the game well. I wish that Jill could have been give far much more to do so that they were essentially deuteragonists a la Yuna and Tidus.

I don’t think Jake Sully is well written OR well acted. Matt Damon could have done more with it, but the character is still very flat and cliche.

This series is going to be like the Dune series. The original books by the original author end in cliffhanger at the time of the author’s death. Someone will come along to write a massively inferior ending leaving everyone extremely disappointed.

Tenet is really obtuse and opaque, with some questionable storytelling and logic. But the acting, visuals and music are still incredible. Even low on this list means very watchable. 

If you ask a lot of kids, the Lego Ninjago Movie is very good. It’s been watched in our house nearly as much as The Lego Movie. Sometimes the target audience of the movie is not made of adult critics and commentators.

I remember going to see Star Trek: Generations in the theater. At the time, seeing Kirk and Picard on

As a teen in the 90s, there were few things better to watch than The State and In Living Color. It’s amazing how many of those actors have gone on to do great things. Tom Lennon might be my favorite of both shows.

The fanbase as her brother Kirk: the right-wing, evangelical nutties.

I did feel a “she’s going to come around to being supportive” vibe from the movie, but I also felt that she was very unlikeable for most of the movie. Too much to earn the payoff at the end.

Musk and Trump are competing to be the next Golden Calf. Move over Disney.

This movie performing poorly isn’t squarely on Disney. The previous film was awful, Harrison Ford is too old, and George Lucas still had input in the story. George Lucas shouldn’t be allowed near any beloved IPs at this point. Does anyone remember the Star Wars prequels? The man can world build, but he cannot write

The trio made it clear at the beginning of the podcast that Ben wasn’t interested in it. They always speak highly of his acting, but they haven’t mentioned him once outside of that context. I’m glad there is some context for that.

I play the game out of habit now, but there’s no real enjoyment in it. Jacking up the in-game cost of some items is really hurting the game, I expect. I haven’t paid for anything in-game for awhile, and I’ll likely uninstall it soon. I don’t like the idea of playing something “forever”.

How many people criticizing the streamer for doing this sort of thing spend all their time posting comments on internet articles?

No one. The point was to show that a franchise is not defined by a cine gameplay style, genre, complete set of characters, or anything else.

Apparently Super Mario RPG/Paper Mario cannot be a Mario game because it’s not a strict platformer.

I’ve been listening to Pod Meets World, getting the full story about Boy Meets World. While it sounds like the cast was very close, there were issues with some of the directors and the show’s creator. I doubt any show’s set is perfect, but there seem to be very few that had universally positive experiences for all

Considering that this is a Japanese game, it’s important to note that Japanese media does not have a lot of LGBTQIA2+ representation, so it’s ultimately not surprising that there won’t be an cannon out couple in a Nintendo game. Look at how much struggle Disney and Pixar had with getting queer representation on screen.