
Better they exist with ad breaks than not exist at all.

The Superman theme might be my favorite Williams piece of music ever. It never ceases to raise my spirits and make me think I could be Superman.

I guess no person is immune from going full right-wing old man. From the supremely irreverent Monty Python to carrying the torch Fox News’ best.

The worst part of FFVII (and the Remake too) is the endless slums. I could never get past the first disc in FFVII because I completely lost interest. I enjoyed Remake much more because of the music and more interesting battle system.

I like how overpowered the Junction system can make you in FFVIII. The music is

In the last 20 years, I’ve tried to play FFVII a half-dozen times and I never get past the first disc. The long Midgar section is so incredibly boring that I lose interest. The Remake was a much better experience, but I tired of walking through endless slums.

My personal favorite FF is FFVIII, but there’s a lot of

Indiana Jones and the Who Gives a F**k Anymore?

The Good Dinosaur deserves to be higher than all of the Cars films at least. All three of those films should be at the bottom.

Agree with all of this. I think Onward will always be underrated because of it being released right at the beginning of the COVID lockdowns. We saw it in the theater right before everything shutdown and the whole family loved it.

It’s more likely that Musk will die in a space ship accident on his way to Mars. Which, considering Musk’s desire for space travel, is very likely sometime this decade.

“Your balls have dropped since then!”

I just started watching “Shiny Happy People”, the expose on the Duggars and their Christian cult. Seeing how the Christian message has been perverted (pun intended) to go from a message of love and hope, to a message of fear, control and sexual perversion is quite horrifying.

I view Dr. Phil on the same level as Dr. Oz: quacks who are only interested in themselves and making money. They have no interest in helping people. Fuck them both.

Especially in the finale. That conversation between Ted and Rebecca in the stands wasn’t even a conversation. I wanted him to say SOMETHING, but he didn’t. If that was the design, fine. But I think that scene fell flat.

As long as that spin-off includes Rebecca and Keeley, it will be a winner. They became the true strength of the show after the first season. I missed them through a lot of season 3.

Agreed. None of what happened off screen was all that interesting. The only disappointment I have was less Keeley/Rebecca awesomeness than previous seasons, because they make incredible friends. 

There are plenty of conservative echo chambers where you can wallow in homophobia, racism and sexism to your heart’s content.

Thank you for #4. I don’t know at which season I finally realized that Ted is a d-bag (and to a certain extent, Lily was too), but that sealed my lack of interest for him. I stuck with the show because I enjoyed the other characters, specifically Marshall and Barney.

Misery porn is a great description for the SoulsBorne games. Deep, dark and dank, plus some gothic horror for BloodBorne. It wouldn’t surprise me if the developers of FFXVI are going for that tone.

Um.... M*A*S*H? It’s not just that it’s the most watched non-sports TV episode of all time, but it wraps up so many story lines and gives closure to so many wonderful characters without being saccharine. It’s devastating in so many ways, while still offering some hope at the end.

I’m here for this comment. Whether it’s recency bias, or  bias against sci-fi, both “All Good Things...” and “What You Leave Behind” deserve to be on this list. Nailing the landing for any long, beloved show is difficult, but Star Trek managed it twice.