
Maybe Bolling is a fan of Looney Tunes logic.

Let me guess, this magazine would have little other than women in bikinis holding large guns.

I think when you compare Zoo to The Mist, it reinforces the idea that if you are going to do an absurd idea, better go full derp. Don't try to make it serious.

One of the classes at this academy better be in Klingon. Another is how a red shirt dies properly. Another is how to prevent destroying a timeline.

No Al Lewis, no sale.

It's cool to trash stuff on the Internet. Didn't you know?

Based on their music and development, I don't think the Bosstones can be lumped in with any of this trash, or even other ska bands of the time. "Let's Face It" was more mainstream than any of their other albums and that could explain the mainstream appeal. It's me lease favorite of their 20th century stuff.

Is this a sign that we're staring to reach saturation point will all these streaming services?

I'd like this only if the show retcons the broadcast finale of HIMYM.

It leaves a person alive to deal with their punishment, rather than giving them an easy out. Men who are extremely misogynistic would probably be very depressed on losing their ability to fuck over (literally) other people.

Totally agree with this.

I'm sure a lot of people would care and probably cheer, which is disgusting in it's own right. I think he's an abominable human being, like our President, but I don't wish them dead. Castration would be a better punishment.

Teen Fucked-up Titans

Apart from this looking really bad, lets look at the bright side: when a controversial subject like legalized pot (like having a black president, woman president, etc) gets into mainstream TV, it's likely to become mainstream in society pretty soon.

I would change that to "on TV" since we have legit dictators in the Phillipines, North Korea and the USA to take up the "on the planet" mantle.

In terms of wanting things to go back to pre-mainstream level of hype, I feel the same about Doctor Who. As the enjoyment (and derision after the prequels) increased significantly after 1997/1998, Doctor Who has gained an absurd about of recognition around the world since RTD brought it back in 2005. In certain

Cue Boomhauer gibberish.

If Saw can come back, so can Sharknado.

I'm surprised they didn't get Tomi Lahren.

But Trump's the one who believes he's being repressed.