

Are you trying to get an easy, straightforward backstory of a comic book character?

You prefer things like Seinfeld or Always Sunny? I've seen enough of these discussions to find that's usually the counterpoint.

Absolutely. Of all the relationships in the show, the Chandler/Monica relationship felt the most organic, and got the most development. Much of the last few seasons (outside the Thanksgiving episodes) was ass, but I watched just to see Monica and Chandler together.

I hated how he devloved into caricature later on, because he had a lot of heart early on. That's what happens when a show goes on far too long. He should have stayed with Julie.

"If you spend all day feeling constantly on-edge and mildly queasy over things that are completely outside your control you need to get some help."

Moss' performance in the show is so good it makes me forget that she's a Scientologist. Mostly.

Having been listening to pop music since the early 80s, I'm going to say people have liked bland shit for along time. Haven't you even been to a dentists office?

The level of victim-complex among men, whites, conservatives and Christians (usually all of them put together) is reaching an intolerable level. Though the true source of this document will likely never be known, the odds are that person being some combination of the adjectives I've used here.

Genuinely curious: why would a woman actually work at a place with so many sexual predators? Same goes for the current White House.

Please tell me what of my response suggests any hatred? You have response to me with insults, which is what I've come to expect in Trump's America. Anger, accusations, insults, not actual conversation.

I'm going to have to say no to anything that involves vomiting pastries. And has Paul Hollywood.

Can you tell me why an anonymous source isn't believable? Or why a "leftist" isn't reliable? And how the reporter has an "ax to grind"? Seems like you should support those accusations with some real facts.

From a Simpsons future episode: "Fox turned into a hard core sex channel so gradually, I didn't even notice."

Fox News will say that it's fine for their own employees to send dick pics because the President can grab women by the crotch and get elected President.

Quick, someone get Barney Stinson on the phone! He'll be ecstatic!

I'm sure "regressives" opinions matter a lot to him, when "regressives" are actually conservatives, given their political beliefs and policies.

Only if Marty McFly comes on as a character for some weird sexual tension.

Could it be that King's work isn't really that good? Obviously he's done some great stories that have translated to the screen, namely "The Shawshank Redemption". The only other movie based on his horror work that I can think decent is "The Shining".

If Tom Wopat is doing coke, I wonder what Catherine Bach is doing.