
Classic is synonymous with old these days.

She's incredibly funny. The only character I really enjoyed, and I often despite characters who are naturally pieces of shit.

I wonder how TenNapel will worm his way out of this one.

Loved A Different World, especially after Lisa Bonet left.

Will it be as bad as the movie seems to be?

Maybe if the rednecks and the liberals would actually drink beer together things would improve.

Living in Wisconsin, the market is flooded with new and quality local breweries, so I don't have any desire for anything that is from a large company, or owned by one. I used to try and taste every beer that was released, but that became impossible with the explosion of craft beers.

After seeing an article with her talking about natural remedies and other nonsense, I can't bear to see her on screen. She's as bad as Jenny McCarthy with the anti-vax crap. Please go away.

Oh for the days of Lursa and Betor. Rawr!

Having watched this from the beginning until Viacom shit the brick and it was pulled from Hulu, I'm a bit sad to see it go.

This was the best part of the show for me. God I miss that group together. I'm so incredibly happy that they are all successfully doing other project. But Tom Lennon is tops.

ToD is the worst simply because of that cave full of bugs.

I'd watch that show, except it still has Kevin James in it.

That was a few months ago.

Apparently the same guy has rented a billboard close by that further sucks on Trump's dick.

He included himself as a character in his own stories, which is so self-indulgent, his work should largely be disavowed.

I think this may go into my discussions about pseudoscience in my General Chemistry class. I could spend hours about celebrities hocking completely BS products.

There's a run down building in my town that is plastered with homemade sign supporting Trump, Limbaugh and Inforwars.

I'm sure that number is growing with #45 in office.

Doctor Oz and Alex Jones, not so different, sad to say.