
Because the next season of X-Files will be any better than this?

Steve Harvey's fake laughing is especially sad.

Having no human left is the only way out at this point.

I'm sure it will be quite the opposite, with Spicer curled up in a padded room, crying bitter, confused tears.

The only Spice flowing was his bowel movements after each awful presser.

There were always other outsized personalities at Fox News to make it easier for Hannity to blend in. Now that so many have died or shown themselves as repellent human beings, Hannity is basically alone with the light shining on his oily, alien skin.

Wibbly wobbly timey equality.

You know, I want to see what happened if William, the Duke of Normandy, hadn't won the battle of Hastings.

One season and people will remember that it's an antiquated show. Who cares in the time of Youtube?

I'd put Memento above Inception by a small amount, but otherwise good list.

It's not a bad gameshow. Something relatively mindless for the betwork masses. Plus, who can hate Plinko!

Disappointing, but this type of show seems to have a shorter lifetime. The schtick runs out after awhile. We stopped watching once it was dropped from Hulu abd didn't really miss it. The Nerdist Podcast is slowly replacedby the Talking show. I guess Chris is moving onto bigger things.

You misspelled Sisko.

Did TNG lose ratings once Troi was wearing her uniform more often.

Come on, live TV has never been done before.

I forget how the internet reacted to female Star Trek captain. Oh wait, Rachel Garrett was kind of pre-Internet wasn't she. Can you imagine the freakout over that?

Does this woman of color have repellent views?

Amen. I find the same kind of unpleasant (and unwarranted) criticism leveled at other scifi franchises. Just look at the negativity surrounding Star Trek: Discovery (and the reboot movies for that matter).

Rich, entitled white woman with repellent views is inconvenienced. The fucks I have to give are absent.

I like the choice. I'm not a Moffatt hater like some, but I have gotten tired of the overly-complex lots. This season has been less complex and was better for it. I'm eager to see what Chibnall is going to do with the show.