
Keeping the least interesting part of the show (Paul Hollywood) was bad enough, but none of this sounds promising. I'll give it a few episodes, but I'm ready to drop it like Paul Hollywood dropping arrogant comments.

I sat through Jupiter Rising (at home, not in the theater), and this sounds like a significant improvement.

My top choice. But never would happen.

I'm going to go with a white, British guy in his 40s. Split the difference.

Please no.

A Kid Rock run for Senate is the kind of thing you want to see to believe, but pray never comes to fruition. But in the age of President Trump, I'm sure we'll be seeing Senator Kid (Or Senator Rock) standing next to Elijah Cummings very soon.

All the shows mentioned her, including Seinfeld suffer from the same problem for me: there's no character to connect to. Shitty people being shitty to other people has no interest to me.

Damn, the flashbacks to middle school. And learning that Scwartzkopf means "black head".

Kermit isn't white enough. Too green. Besides, Gonzo is much more appropriate for Alex Jones.

Losing your soul pays well for some people, like Steve Harvey.

You know what would be an even better trilogy to touch up and re-release? The Spyro trilogy. It could remind everyone that Sypro wasn't just a founding member of the Skylanders abomination.

I've actually being going between the three games, switching away from 1 when it gets to god-awful frustrating. I remember 3 most, having played it to 100% when it first came out. 2 and 3 stand up well, 1 is a dumpster fire with decent ideas.

Shhhhhh. Those ticks aren't due to climate change. God decided to finally give the meager tick it's due.

Best case scenario is that all these scandals wear away enough support for the GOP that the Senate is flipped next year. I don't think the House will flip with gerrymandering so strong.

*slow, sarcastic, golf clap*

The word explosive in this context suggest to me diarrhea.

I feel worse for Mets fans, as they were supposed to compete. The Phils were expected to be awful, just not this awful.

Mattered a little, but the game itself has never really been interesting. Add in the Homerun Derby and I get upset that real baseball is interrupted with meaningless showiness. I don't think it's interesting seeing guys hitting batting practice pitches a thousand feet. I don't think it's interesting to see the best

I'm convinced that this situation doesn't require a smoking gun, it requires a smoking cannon.

Yes. Absolutely yes. Hilarious and cute as a button.