
I bet there are a lot of interesting Port-a-potties there.

In Mike's world, God created the world, so that means God created free will and science, so therefore Mike's head should explode.

So now we know that there are children as President and Vice President. Trump is the bully kid that yells a lot and steals your lunch money, and Pence is that kid who looks and sounds proper, but secretly plots to pull girl's pants down.

Another angry white guy on TV who isn't funny. Don't we have enough of those?

I would love to hear Renner's quips about Frank Burns.

Other than than men at Fox News, I can't think of anyone I'd want to be taken down for some kind of harassment.

Fair (and few in your rant) criticisms aside, you should be looking at your own party for it's significant flaws. Enabling a piece of shit for President to start.

I was much more interested in seeing Seth Green and Lauren Ambrose fight for love.

Damn, no Seven of Nine? We get Shia instead. Screw that.

People LOVE Seinfeld, and that show is about some incredibly shitty people. Worse than Jack and Karen, IMO. The internet loves watching assholes be assholes on TV.

"Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life, son." RIP Stephen Furst. RIP John Vernon.

Sure, let's celebrate the increasingly likely downfall of our country today. With fireworks and cheap, processed meats!

Most flavors other than the original are disgusting.

I wonder how any woman would choose to work in such a toxic and dangerous environment.

Jacob and Queenie was such a believable couple that I was rooting for them by the end. Which is more that I could say for any of the Harry Potter relationships.

Amen. Hate the casting. Everything else about Fantastic Beasts was good, especially Alison Sudol.

It's hard to get through a season finale of Doctor who without some mildly-illogical deus ex machina. But it was sweet enough for me to forgive it this time.

A+. I'm comfortable in saying that Peter Capaldi is my favorite Doctor. My Doctor. Having grown up on Tom Baker and Peter Davison, they are now #2 and #3. Bill…. oh Bill, I would say you deserved better, but that's not true. Traveling around the universe with a beautiful girl, yes, you deserved just that.

ID4 is total summer schlock, but worth it for a kooky Brent Spiner.

I would love to know what is going through the heads of people like Mike Pence, Paul Ryan, Bob Portman and other Republicans who railed against Trump but eventually voted for him simply because they didn't want Hillary, and they wanted to move their agenda forwards.