
This is what the US is under President Man-baby.

Creationists and New-Earth people.

Neither does this, apparently.

We're living in the time of the "snowflake" though I'm thoroughly confused about what kind of person that is.

Five minutes into Narkopop's Gas and I was sold. It's like slipping into a warm, soft, slightly disconcerting blanket. I think that phrase sums up my personality for some reason.

If Apple starts involving itself in Paltrow's Goop in a serious way, I may go Android.

I lay most of that war criminal stuff on Rumsfeld and Cheney. Sure, Bush had the final call, but someone that bumbling gets his orders from elsewhere, i.e. Trump.

Ross suffers a similar digression.

That's what the Internet is for.

It's still possible that we're 90% through this administration, with all the investigations going on. And Trump's general idiocy and ineffectiveness.

It sounds like George W. Bush is a good guy too, though I loathed him as a President.

On Trump's tombstone will be "Greatest President Ever!"

I remember seeing when Bakula was cast and I though… "Really? Him?" My concern was justified. Jason Isaacs and Michelle Yeoh at least have the seriousness of captains. While I didn't like Voyager overall, I liked what Kate Mulgrew did as Captain Janeway.

I wonder what jailhouse punishment is going to end up being call the "Shkreli". I hope it's as fun as the Urban Dictionary definition of "Santorum".

Not in the days of everything being "dark and gritty". It's a Batman era, not a Superman one.

You should know by now that something bright, sweet and wonderful like Steven Universe has no right to be on a list full of gritty, dark, angry, dystopian shows.

Based on the uniforms, I would guess this show was filmed mostly in the 90s.

There are many authors who created great worlds, but didn't really capitalize on the ideas. George Lucas, for one. Frank Herbert is another. Great world building, but the stories became far too intricate, or self-contradictory, or just pretentious.

I read the books as an adult, so I can't say that the story or spirit of the series is at my core. Instead, I met my wife at a party, and we began with a conversation about Harry Potter. It's completely ingrained in our relationship from day one. I'll have to thank JK Rowling for the rest of my life.