
I was a big Moffat supporter for the Smith and Capaldi years (mostly) of Doctor Who, but I think both he and Mark Gatiss got a little up their own asses with Sherlock. It started great and devolved into "Let's Fix Sherlock" and not the amazing mysteries of Conan Doyle that they could have updated.

Like the ships and technology in Star Wars Episode I looks light-years (natch) ahead of A New Hope.

No you aren't. A lot of "hardcore fans" seem to be disinterested because it doesn't have the look of traditional Trek. The Klingons look wrong, the uniforms look wrong, etc.

A little, but I'm ready to give it a lot of leeway considering how long it's been since we've had a really good series (DS9).

It was getting into vaporware territory, so I'm glad to see not only a date, but that the date isn't late fall. Very excited to see it.

I'm starting to thing that this administration is made of an alternate (read: evil) universe version of Jim Henson's Muppets.

I look at the picture at the top of the article and see gray hair on James and think… how has it been fifteen year since he was Leto II?

Then a non-professional commenter on a website decided to say something smart-ass-y to try and look cool. Cool. Cool. Cool.

Man, I'd love to get an updated version of Star Raiders. I bet that would look awesome in 16 bit.

Sharknado 12: So Very Tried

Vir Cotto stands as one of my favorite sci-fi roles. Too young for a great character actor. You will be missed.

This felt much more like an episode from the Matt Smith era, with a Missy tack on at the end. I enjoyed it, and agree with the B+, but it seemed out of place in this season as Peter Capaldi's last.

It's not a great movie by any metric, but it's the best of the series. It's hard to believe that some of the backgrounds are CG and not real landscapes. There's some real emotion in it, and not all of it is forced. Plus Larry the Cable Guy is minimized.

They'll be given to Algernon.

The only thing good in that movie. Well, I guess Gabrielle Anwar too.

Well-made comments like this remind me of that abomination of a Three Musketeers movie done by Disney with actors not even attempting an English accent for French characters. Charlie Sheen as Aramis… I ask you.

Hey Andy Lack, how does that decision to make NBC "fair and balanced" look now?

Waaaaaaaaaaaay too funny to be on a show like The Talk.

When you have a four-year-old who is obsessed with cars, you understand the draw of this series. Why can't Pixar have a movie series for profit purposes? It allows them to fund the better movies in their pedigree. All studios do this very same thing. Disney is all about the merchandizing, so I don't blame them for

Let's get the music choices out of the way: they're awful. So disjointed compared to the incidental score, which provides such ominous tones.