
When Hannah came out of that door, I felt my fist balling up. I find no sympathy for Serena Joy, the same with Fred. When June let loose on her tirade, I was nearly cheering.

I'm okay with that.

The pretense is gone? Good. Fox News… "Batshit Conservative Crazy 24/7"

I think we should make these Twitter assholes comb the desert.

"Keep firing, Assholes!"

That would apply to most colleges and universities. Every been to a college reunion? It's mostly for those people that never wanted to grow up.

The Green Bay area is pretty awful too. And parts of the lakeshore area. We're home to the second dumbest Congressman in the US, Glenn Grothman. (I consider Louie Gohmert to be rock bottom).

No, that would be the hot dog, as bland a wiener as could ever be eaten.

I don't always go with the uncooked version. Spending hours in front of a grill for a charity brat fry, the brats are provided by the grocery store and they are fully cooked. Still delicious though, and enough so that I often will eat them without any condiments. Though my preferred toppings are light ketchup, medium

The people who worked on the Prime series have long since left Retro.

Even Pixar cannot be immune to the cash grab. Cars is a money spinner, pure and simple. Most studios know that you have to have dumb movies focused on kids who will demand toys. Few other Pixar movies can say that they were powerhouses of toys sales. The pure Disney movies like Frozen have taken over that title.

And I can't stop buying them…

Have to agree. It looks gorgeous as a cinematic trailer, but the swearing did put me off. I'm guessing the woman at the end with green eyes was meant to be a connection to Jade? But with two leads from the original game, I'm much less interested.

Megyn Kelly's tenure at NBC might be shorter than Ann Curry's on the Today show. Fuck you, Matt Lauer.

Maybe Lindsey Lohan is a distant Weasley relative. Awkward!

Danny Bonaduce isn't cute anymore but he's there.

How is Jaleel White not here?

He would be perfectly cast in The Handmaid's Tale as a commander.

I can't wait to see Hercules take some kind of foam object directly to the face. Then the groin. I hate it when your childhood idols turn into preachy, holier-than-thou assholes. Yeah, I'm looking at you too Kirk Cameron. Can we get him on this show too?