
Joey, for all his ignorance and womanizing, it still the best friend.

Ross Gellar…. oh Ross Gellar… how much do I hate thee.

There's an unused building in my town that is covered in hand-made pro-Trump signs, including one for Rush and one for Infowars. What kind of unhinged nut do you have to be to hand make all those signs?

A typical Mark Gatiss episode. Good ideas, a bit bland, nothing really memorable. I was getting flash backs to the Silurians and making peace with humans, or failing too. It doesn't help that the Silurians and Ice Warriors are reptilian.

We have at least three and a half more years of Trump, and probably until the end of time with Fox News. Come on Cthulhu, please end it.

The only semi-relatable character on that show is Marshall and that's because I spent six year in Minnesota. There are a lot of obnoxiously tall people there. Nebraska too.

My wife and I loved the show until the end, but my biggest problem was that Ted Mosby, in general, was a douche. Way up his own ass about a lot of things, much more like his ex played like Laura Prepon. I don't think he deserved the real "Mother", but it was so built up that I would have rather seen him and the Mother

I love digging back into Star Trek history and seeing who was playing an alien in the background, or a bit part. Iggy Pop is still my favorite, largely because it wasn't just a background character. As long as this show doesn't turn into "CELEBRITY GUEST OF THE WEEK!", I'm fine with it.

Holy interminable sadness Batman, you will be missed.

I find a lot of similarities between Brandon Fraser and Nathan Fillion, similar build and swagger, to go along with comedic timing and decent action skills.

It's a long list but I have to put Kurt Cobain at the top of the list. I can replay most of Nirvana Unplugged in my head when I need it, and to see Kurt at such a vulnerable point, to hear it in his voice…

Because Japan. I don't think you want to go down the rabbit hole of the reasons for things in Japanese media.

It should have gold coins that you can secretly find in the park. If you manage to get 100, you can have an automatic resuscitation when you die.

We need to bitch and moan about something. Anything related to Trump is at the top of the list.

You misspelled Fox News.

Minnesota should be embarrassed that Jesse was governor there.

I checked it out and you're right, it does look better in motion. I think I'm getting a little trapped by that typical Disney softness with it's character designs. This has a bit of 30s and 40s comic-book style to it. I think it will grow on me.

I loved the idea of the reboot, but something about the art style is a little off-putting to me. It may look different in motion, but the stills… I'm not feeling it.

At the very least, we see Moira getting to do that very thing. Seeing her grip that piece of metal from the toilet, then drive away with blood on her hands finally gave some sense of true rebellion.

While not at the level of the first several episodes, this seemed much more coherent and driven than the last two. While not completely focused on June, seeing Janine breaking down, and the effect on June was very powerful.