
I'm guessing some kind of lobotomy to make her docile. I don't think that the genital mutilation given to Emily would have the same effect on Janine.

I have the same issues with watching things involving kids. Even seeing something like "Finding Dory" and seeing Dory get lost makes me shudder, thinking about the loss of my own child.

I may be getting old, but I find myself gravitating towards session ales and other beers with lower alcohol content. I feel 10% way too much these days. I want the taste without the bang afterwards.

Hearing that voice makes me want to watch "Roadhouse". "Exactly right."

That was largely before the Empire knew the true nature of the axlotl tanks. But I agree and that adds another paralell: women who are willing to support the horrors of Gilead towards their own gender, much like the Bene Gesserit willing to use axlotl tanks for their own benefit when it came to melange.

I look at Robin Wright's dress in that screen cap and immediately think of Kellyanne Conway's absurd red, white and blue dress from January.

I have no problem having my 4-year-old watching old Sesame Street or Mr. Rodgers' Neighborhood, because I'm going to be there to explain things. My son LOVES some of the original cartoon inserts from SS, like The Alligator King and The Ladybug's Picnic.

I think some people forget that the whole purpose of Sesame Street was to have children and parents watch together.

We already know that being a "gender traitor" isn't enough to be exiled to the colonies. Emily's transgressions in Gilead only resulted in gential mutilation, not death, so Gilead is willing to go VERY FAR to punish, but not kill "viable females".

Being angry in front of a TV screen doesn't do much if you are really trying to do some good in the world, but if you can get older, white people angry too, it can get you the office President of the United States.

My son loves this sketch, even if he doesn't know the reference material. Kudos to Sesame Street for continuing to make material that both kids and adults can watch an enjoy.

I want a video of Nelson Muntz saying "Ha Ha" in Japanese while watching this video.

Pence probably read The Handmaid's Tale as an erotic novel and was masturbating.

As with most religious groups, there is a front of decorum of piety, with a background enjoyment of all of the world's pleasure, just like the rest of us.

Then Trump would becoming the emperor of Snapchat.

I look at the screen cap of that video, and think that Keith Flint from the The Prodigy had a similar thing going on, just without the hair-over-the-eyes bit.

We all know that the Bing kids have magically aged and are already going to college. Emma is already dating Joey which is even weirder than Rachel dating Joey. Phoebe and Mike have 14 kids and are living in the taxi. Ross had his tenure revoked because of improper research practices and has taken over playing crappy

If you say it three times, it may come true.

I'm surprised Aykroyd didn't blame UFOs for Ghostbusters being inferior to the original.

You forgot the underpants. Underpants would have made this episode better, though I'm not sure how because ???????.