
Could be the Jaimee Foxworth treatment she simple ceases to exist without mention. Then Kevin James can return to Leah Remini without issue.

That isn't what I meant. While discussing that word and it's ramifications is very important to have, it should be placed in larger discussion about societal problems that are being increased by people like Ben Sasse and Republican's in general. The discussion shouldn't be about "Bill Maher said that word", it should

Just more distraction from real issues that will allow the Republican to do what they wish.

I add to this the almost throwaway line from the other commander to Nick, "We need to clean up Gilead." That suggests Waterford is really under the microscope and that Nick is making a conscious choice not to be a good information as of yet.

It's very boring, for a subject matter that shouldn't be boring.

After my wife and I watched the episode last night, we agreed that the Commanders rape of June at the Jezebels/club was far creepier than the Ceremony that occurs every month. After thinking for awhile about why we felt this way, I came to the conclusion that it's based on the Commander's treatment of June. He treats

I'll admit to being wrong in this case. Damn, now I have to retrain my brain to say it right.

I remember this film franchise not only because it's excellent with great action and pacing, but also because each and every film in the franchise puts my wife to sleep, and she likes Matt Damon.

My favorite line of any movie is in that film:

Considering that we're at odds with Russia again (despite Trump's brown-nosing of Putin), I don't think I could watch something like that all the way through, especially after the event occurs in the movie.

What a snowflake. But people keep telling me that only liberals can be snowflakes… because reasons. I'm so confused.

Still working through Persona 5 . Only having two hour chunks of time (work + 4 year old), prevents me from getting in the groove most of the time, but I'm really enjoying it so far. I feel as though I should be half-way through at about 45 hours.

This title and this movie overall is equivalent to President Trump's understand of the environment. I bet he tries to make policy to prevent sharks from flying into space.

My first thought was… Can't preempt those NBA-finals, of course. Too much money involved. I'm glad to see so many big names involved in this concert. It's more support than we see coming from our politicians.

I would pick two things. The cliche choice would be seeing Star Wars in the movie theater back in the 70s. It came out a year before I was born. The other choice would be to see the first broadcast of Doctor who in 1963. It's a bittersweet choice because that just after the assassination of JFK.

You're correct to a point, Mr. Carrey. Now stop peddling pseudoscience, you idiot.

Somewhere God is laughing and thinking, "I created these assholes?"

There's a difference?

He's alive?