
Despite this, I'm sure Bill will have a healthy 10 years with Fox, so he can rack up another dozen lawsuits.

Babylon 5. Sweet.

Are we now so low in Hollywood that coming up is a gritty, black comedy version of Shrek where donkey and Puss kidnap Shrek for a "males only" weekend, involving drugs, escorts and Harvey Keitel?

My wife and I watching it religiously starting with the end of season 3, but neither of us was interested in seeing kids compete.

Good. Let it stay dead. The model is old and boring. Youtube has made such competitions largely irrelevant except to show personal drama on television.

But the rest of her interaction with her team and Aramaki have her as "Major". As with the anime, I view that as her identity.


Except that she goes by Major in the film. That name is largely ignored for story reasons, imo.

I miss Geena Davis. It's a shame Cutthroat Island ruined her career.

Kids who weren't born after a certain year will be shocked to see a Tim Burton movie without Johnny D.

I enjoyed the film, but I can understand how non-fan would be turned off, and how fan would want to avoid it. Much of the philosophy and reflection is ejected for action, and none of the characters, even Major, are developed in a meaningful way.

Like Star Wars?

I've been skeptical since the beginning, but seeing descriptions and review of the movie have convinced me to see it and try not to judge it as a direct copy of the original. Existing as an homage might make it palatable enough.

She was the better Aunt Viv, but this is getting a little sad now. I'm sure we'll soon hear from Kristy Swanson and Luke Perry about not being invited to the Buffy reunion…

Still miss Uncle Phil.

My body is ready.

Hannity, Limbaugh, Beck, O'Reilly. All men who deserved to be dumped out into back alley and pissed on by the local stray dogs. All are responsible for bringing us President Rancid Orange Julius. They aren't journalists in any way, just crap slingers.

I'm not sure I'll pay the cash for a first run ticket in the theater, unless it gets great reviews. Perhaps a cheap night.

The Fifth Element is one of my great guilty pleasure movies. It's completely absurd sci-fi, with actors who shouldn't be in the positions they are: Tommy Lister as the President, Ian Holm as an intergalactic priest, real models trying to act, LUCK FREAKING PERRY!

I guess I really have to go back and watch the whole thing again.