
Because you said a bad word (to conservatives): taxes. If the Freedom Caucus is willing to torpedo something designed by their own party, just imagine how they would react at a (gasp) increase in taxes designed to help everyone.

Bingo. Everything including a Cardigans' song.

It's sad to say that I watched the first season with my then girlfriend. It was cringeworthy then, and 15 years haven't taken that away.

An incredibly timely story to tell, and it looks like it will be told well.

It was Tarkin's voice that bothered me more than his appearance. The pitch was too high and make it less believable. With a perfect voice to go with that CGI body, I wouldn't have minded at all.

Wait a minute, this isn't a right-wing, Christian show. What is Kevin Sorbo doing on it?

Something has to take the place of the Resident Evil series as the worst money maker in the industry. Or is that the Transformers series?

I hat the face that an idiot of this caliber was in one of my favorite movies Galaxy Quest.

I'm seeing Hyde, but where is Kelso and Jackie? They'd make this so much more interesting.

Follow Donald Trump.

I'm a big fan of Sandy Toksvig, and I'm grateful she took over QI, as she fits in there perfectly. I'm not as enamored with the choice of Noel, but maybe he'll be a little toned down.

Troll better.

I'm not suggesting that Maddow is on the level of Fox News, considering how much hate they spew and how many "alternative facts" they peddle. But the very nature of Maddow's show and the MSNBC network are not different than Fox News. It's to peddle political information and analysis from a specific political angle.

There no different flavors. Just different bottles and colors, but it all tastes like piss.

I gave up on Rachel Maddow years ago. I appreciate the nerdiness about politics that she embodies, but as far as her show goes, it's not different than the outrageousness presented on Fox News. It's just the liberal side. There's nothing useful that comes out of her show when it comes to thwarting Cheetolini and his

Jared Leto? Pfft. It would be Johnny Depp.

Say hello to Kirk Cameron 2.0, but now with evil Mirror Universe beard!

Of all the DC movies I've seen or heard about, this has the potential to suck the least.

Noomi Rapace > Rooney Mara, at least in these films. The second and third get much less interesting, so maybe skipping them is okay.
