
I'm falling into the wait category, since I've never been big on Zelda. Mario is promising, and after hearing that Choice Provisions will be release Runner3 as a Switch exclusive, I'm much more likely to have one come January 1, 2018.

Not only that, but in several thousand millennia, it will bring the Daleks.

Fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, hate leads to being a Republican.

Four has been a lot better than three for us. The communication and engagement is worth the periodic tantrums. So far.

I'm sure they hate you just as much.

A TV series that reflects what is happening politically is going to be aired this year. It's called "The Handmaid's Tale". It's the future folks.

I hope another ton gets sent to Governor Walker's house.

This is Octavia Spencer's studio commitment after making much better films. Who else of quality is in this film? Silent Hill's Radha Mitchell?

Sesame Street is still very high quality kid's television, and as the father of a four-year-old, you can see the visceral attraction to annoying characters like Elmo and Baby Bear (who's voice is FAR FAR FAR worse than Elmo's).

It makes the Love Guru look less horrible. Mike Myers has still not resurfaced except for cameos, and Kevin Smith is active, adored and encouraged (in certain circles). I don't get it. Is the difference simply the weed?

I pity the fool who can't fox trot!

I'm sure most of the ignorant rednecks that support Trump would know better than to treat a steak like that. I'm sure they like their squirrel, at the most, medium.

It bothers me, looking back, that neither one of those two on the stage had the awareness to look more closely and say "This is the wrong envelope, let's get this right" rather than just going forwards with it.

Don't get so upset. I might be eight years.

Even in space, people have to pee.

Mel Gibson looked awful. Frozen face to start, and his responses on the red carpet sounded like a senile old man. It makes me wonder how a man like that could direct a war epic.

Jessica Biel should be embarrassed. At the haircut.

Here's hoping he's eating a nice, greasy pork sandwich served in a dirty ashtray. By an angel who looks like 1980s Kelly LeBrock. RIP.

He'll attend once Bannon replaces all the journalists with mindless-drones that will tow the party line.

To those wondering about Patrick Stewart's porn watching or lack thereof: here's a great, classically-trained actor, very good looking, funny as hell, and very famous.