
The increase in the number of people attending town-halls is a start. Increase contributions to grass-roots organization that will resist helps too. We can't really put any trust in the national progressive groups because if they had any real sway and control, we wouldn't be in this mess to begin with.

You read the first paragraph?

Patrick Stewart could read the instructions to a microwave and it would be brilliant.

So do many of the rest of the idiots in charge of the country. That's what is scary. They know the awful direction we're going, and want to see how long they can ride it before diving of the train before the cliff comes.

I think Joe Manganiello would make a good Wolverine. Serious look with a bit of humor. Maybe a little too old at this point, though.

Poor Clooney. Now he and Amal will be the target of some nasty tweets. Perhaps Amal can bring her influence and talent to sue the balls off of Trump.

Now that we have an insufferable asshole in charge of the country, I find it less interesting to watch other insufferable assholes on TV. Incessant negativity and argument in this country, especially when it comes to politics has lead to the Trump presidency. We need to change direction and start having civil

Countdown to being hired by the Trump administration begins…. now.

Sounds like Skyrim, but with robot dinosaurs. I put 100 hours into that game, I'm not sure I want to do it again.

I don't think 2 and 3 are as bad as people say, just not up to the mind-bending quality of the original. The acting and script are on par with Star Wars, just adding an extra bit of ponderous philosophy. A fourth movie involving the "resurrection" of Neo might provide a little redemption for the Wachowskis.

Been doing it since the beginning and my wife has just started. I can understand how a lot of people have fallen off the wagon. The new tracking system works pretty well, and gym battling, while pretty mindless is a kind of fun capture the flag.

I think the episode would have been better served ending with Steven leaving Roses' Room. While it was nice to have the others back, the profound emotions Steven went through were suddenly lost.

I think Chris Wallace has strapped on a small pair from time to time.

I've seen her on @midnight several times (and not on YouTube) and think she's hilarious. I view this more as a quality comedian getting a better look from Hollywood.

There's no NCAA basketball in Russia, so why would the POTUS care? Better yet, maybe he's waiting for a Russian=style doping program to come to American sports before he gets interested.

Hallmark Channel: TV for older white women (including my mother).

I should go back and see it, if it's that good. Still would want to punch Franco in the face every time he comes on screen.

The only think involving James Franco I've enjoyed is This is the End, for it's sheer absurdity. I didn't even enjoy the Sam Raimi Spiderman films. It pains me that my wife finds Franco so attractive. I can't think of him in any way but a scruffy, half-absent stoner, with little talent.

Bannakaffalatta cyborg!

My guess will be that she lasts a long time as a spokesman for this administration, because she has this uncanny ability to confused and distract, while things blowup (figuratively for the moment but literally in the future) in the background.