
I want to hear more stories about the volumes of alcohol he had to consume for the pain he was constantly in.

It seems like an attempt to mix it with pop and drop out a lot of the rock, so it becomes some awful twangy nonsense. I adore real blue grass music, banjo plucking in all it's glory, but the 2000s country seems to have very, very little of it.

I think it was a wash between the two albums, so I can't fault Adele for winning. It shouldn't matter much to either of these two amazing female artists that a bunch of random people thought one album was better. Both are rich, talented and, from the surface of it, great mothers. That should be more than consolation

I really like that there are attempts at some fun crossovers between the different genres. My favorite is still the Imagine Dragons/Kendrick Lamar of several years ago. I just happen to really loathe contemporary country.

Not a big fan of Metallica but it would have been great to hear that duo for the full song. Whoever sets that shit up probably lost his or her job within minutes of that debacle. The whole show had a bit of a second-rate feel to it.

Seemed like a second-rate product with so many stars present. I'm not a Metallica fan but I would have like to have heard James Hetfield for the whole song. That was an awesome combo and we missed a lot of it.

I haven't paid attention to SNL in many, many years, but now it's getting close to must see with this group. Kate McKinnon leads the way but I also Love Bayer, Keenan Thompson and Bobby Moynihan.

He's running one of the biggest, richest, powerful countries in the world now. Hope he brought his Sword of Infinite Truths.

Kevin Smith used to be a relatively cool guy who make some interesting movies with his weed freak friend.

What a wonderfully whiny child we have in charge of the country.

Follow-up: "Slightly Brittle" or "A Little Cracked"

He's certainly off to a slow start in that regard. Plus upvoting yourself is very original.

Matter plus anti-matter equals big explosion. At least there will be two less screaming heads in the world.

I'm sure not a small part of Trump wanted the most powerful position in the land to boost his brand up, but how naive is that? Presidents are roasted alive during their terms, going gray if not already so, and suffering every political, satirical, comedic etc barb thrown in their direction. There's no way he could

1. Very interesting little detail showing the shapes of the two Diamond's ships. Yellow with a closed fist and blue with an open hand. Methinks this will be important later.

I actually like the Simpson up until about season 15, then I just stopped watching. I won't insult something that I actually like somewhat.

Sure you can. I'll help you by saying that I'm not a big fan of Bill Murray, Louis C.K., Seinfeld and Arrested Development. That should be enough sacred cows to piss off half the world. Now you have cover to say anything you want about Melissa McCarthy.

I still go from time to out of convenience of used games, but I would never get anything new from GS anymore. Amazon Prime offers 20% on pre-order, and I know the game will get to me on day 1.

How to you make something as creepy as forced breeding into a children's program? That way. It's rather interesting that the zoomans knew enough about the Choosening to keep Steven out. Would they really be intelligent enough to know that he was a child and not ready for the Choosening?

It will end up being other news sources that tell the truth, via blogs, websites and social media. And we all know how trustworthy THEY are.